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Spotlight Articles

Outstanding articles that are not necessarily linked to one particular game, but may have broad appeal to gamers.

My top anticipated wargames of 2025

Spotlight Article Graphic

"It is a pretty broad selection, containing solitaire, two-player and multiplayer titles, recent conflicts or very ancient ones." Michal, in The Boardgames Chronicle, takes his annual look at his most anticipated new titles. Check out which game has him concluding "I simply could not pass on this."

Poster: Doug Holt
Post Date: 2/5/2025

RBM Studio Update: The Palisades Fire

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Rodger MacGowan has seen his home and RBM Studio facility destroyed in the Palisades fire in California. His son Steven has set up a gofundme account where you can learn what happened and offer recovery help if you wish.

Poster: Doug Holt
Post Date: 1/24/2025

Obituary: Alan Emrich, game designer and writer, has died

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The site Game Developer brings us news of the passing of this industry titan.

Poster: Doug Holt
Post Date: 1/10/2025

2024 Christmas Newsletter

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"Hopefully all the socks and after shave that one could ever dream of, have graced your Christmas stocking and perhaps a wargame treat or two has sneaked in and brought a smile!" Norm Smith, in Battlefields and Warriors, brings us another entertaining sum up of his wargaming year!

Poster: Doug Holt
Post Date: 12/25/2024

Pournelle on “Does it matter if you call it a wargame?”

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"Much of what the Department of Defense calls wargaming is not actually wargaming, and that matters." Rex Brynen, in PAXsims, taps in on a discussion by analyst and former officer Phil Pournelle on what passes for "wargaming" in the DOD. "Failing to wargame properly in advance may mean having to learn in actual combat and risk it all."

Poster: Doug Holt
Post Date: 12/20/2024

Princeton 1777

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"...this one proved to be the decisive battle that really cemented the American survival in the early months of the Revolution." Jeff Berry, in Obscure Battles, covers the fascinating follow-up engagement to Trenton. Check out the action as "Just when everything seemed to be falling apart, Washington came galloping up."

Poster: Doug Holt
Post Date: 12/13/2024

Armchair Dragoons Digital Convention

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The Armchair Dragoons Digital Convention is coming up next month, registration is open now!

Poster: Doug Holt
Post Date: 12/3/2024

More Spotlight articles...

Gaming Conventions

Gaming Conventions

Another new feature for Grognard.com, the Gaming Convention calendar will make it a snap to keep up with all the latest gaming conventions in your area. But we need your gaming convention information, so please contribute.

Grognard News

Grognard Challenge - Expanded Room for Comments! (6/25/2023)

The Comments entry area has been resized to 512 characters.

Grognard Originals

In addition to our links to great content all around the internet, expect to see more Grognard.com "originals" in the future.

PE TANG 1900 Q&A with Marco Campari

Some Q & A between myself and Marco Campari, designer of Pe Tang 1900 from Lumaca Games.

PE TANG 1900 Strategy Tips

This is the strategy I developed after playing Pe Tang 1900 from Lumaca Games.

PE TANG 1900 Optional Line of Sight Table

Here is an optional table to make it a little more difficult to eliminate the Boxer artillery.

PE TANG 1900 Introductory War Game Review

My review for this great introductory war game concerning an obscure siege of a cathedral during the Boxer Rebellion. Use this game to recruit new war game players.

More Grognard Originals...

Grognard Challenge

Latest Challenge

Have a look at the graphics for the latest Challenge and see past solutions and contest winners.

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Wargaming - General Info

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Grognard.com: Computer Wargames

Computer Wargames: Apple II Software

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Computer wargames: Macintosh software

Note - if you have problems unpacking any of the following files try using Fetch (version 2.1.1 or later) to get them using anonymous FTP from grognard.com/pub/comp/mac/. Unpack them with Stuffit Expander version 3.0.7 or later. Sit files are in MacBinary format.

  • 1863 - 1863.sit (28160 bytes) A game about the civil war. You play against the computer, or against someone else connected by a cable in the modem ports of both computers, or connected via modem. Will you rewrite history or repeat it?

  • Achtung Spitfire! (Big Time Software) - ASP_Demo_Mac.hqx Demo.

  • After the Holocaust (SPI) - Ath12stack.sit (358K, Stuffit compressed Hypercard stack) This is a HyperCard stack for Macintosh OS 9. Should run fine on Mac OS X. Requires HyperCard Player or HyperCard 2.0. Ath12.sit (2206K, Stuffit compressed) This is a standalone version for Macintosh OS 9 and Mac OS X. Does not require HyperCard. The stack fairly closely follows the SPI game. It is single player, for solitaire use. For multiple play on the same computer make a copy of the stack or application and rename it. As a challenge, try playing it solitaire with just the original 6 or 7 areas and see how many turns you can get through before your economy collapses. For this I highly recommend selecting the options on the opening screen and adding in Research & Development, Fertiliser and No trade. Questions can be sent to Allan Bell at [email protected].

  • American Civil War - Acw-v16.sit(104576 bytes) A HyperCard stack that simulates a fictional battle in the War Between the States. Requires HyperCard 2.0 or greater.

  • Assault - Assault2.sit (185728 bytes) A wargame of the WWII variety. Your mission as a unit commander is to assault the German defensive position and destroy the vital HQ. You get to command and attack with Sherman and Stuart tanks, and the 82nd Airborne, all backed up by air support!

  • Broadside - Brdsde20.sit (37504 bytes). This challenging game is adapted from an original board game from the Milton Bradley Company. Each player choses a navy then procedes to blast the other navy's ships from the water. Includes instructions and sampled sounds. Requires HyperCard 2.0.

  • Joy of Hex - Joyofhex.zip Demo of a strategy board game based on hexes representing regions about one kilometer square. The game uses a planning-execution engine, where the basic unit size is of a battalion, but where company sized units can also be used. There are three possible opponents: a local human, a human via email, and the computer. Included is detailed documentation, a scenario editor and 50 complete scenarios.

  • Medieval Empires - Medemp31.sit (533492 bytes) is a simulation of the rise and fall of empires in Europe, the Middle East and North Africa in the years from 770 to 1470. The game contains one of 6 scenarios and is shareware.

  • Midway - Midway.sit (66816 bytes). Refight World War II's Battle of Midway in this strategy simulation. Midway is a single player simulation of the famous naval battle. It runs on any mac with System 6.0 or greater, in color where available. It is a port from UNIX and looks like it, but it is still fun!

  • Onslaught (Frontal Assaultware) - OnslaughtDemo.hqx Demo.

  • Operation Crusader (AH/Atomic Games) - Crusader.sit (472960 bytes) This demo contains one fully playable scenario. The sound and some of the pictures have been removed (to save space) and the save/restore & PBEM features have been disabled. The scenario included is "To the Rescue" it simulates the early battles to relieve Tobruk (British 7th AD & 22nd Guards Brigade vs. Italian Ariete & Bologna Divs. & the German 15th Panzer). Requires a color Mac & 5mb of RAM.

  • Over the Reich! (Big Time Software) - OTR_Demo_Mac.hqx Demo.

  • Panzer Battles (SSG) - Pnzrbttl.sit (235136 bytes) includes an 8 turn version of the Moscow scenario, with the resources for either color or B&W Macs.

  • Strike Jets - Strkjets.sit (285184 bytes) is a simulation of modern jet air and air-to-ground combat. Players control squadrons of fighters and fighter-bombers. It is a strategic/tactical game, NOT an arcade shoot-em-up. The two scenarios that are provided with this demo include the U.S. F-16A Fighting Falcon and the Soviet-built MiG 23G Flogger interceptor (flown by Iraq in the provided scenarios), plus the AIM-9L Sidewinder, AA-7 Apex, and AA-8 Aphid air-to-air missiles.

  • TacOps (Battlefront) - demo

  • V4V Utah Beach battle set (360/Atomic) - V4v_demo.sit (394240 bytes).

  • Xconq - website

Computer Wargames: MSDOS Software

Recommended Sites

  • War-Game-Programming.com
    Site owner converts board games into computer programs for Windows OS for fun, profit and glory...

Computer Wargames: UNIX Software

Computer wargames: Windows 3.1 games

  • Achtung Spitfire! (Big Time Software) - achspitd.zip Demo.

  • Age of Sail (Talonsoft) - Demo

  • Dragoon (Art of War) - dragoond.zip Demo.

  • History of the World (AH/CCC) - Demo.

  • Napoleon the Emperor - Nteev12n.zip (148222 bytes) simulates the battle of Waterloo. Units are brigade sized organized into divisions and corps. The map displays at both full screen strategic level and a zoomed in tactical level. Infantry, Cavalry, Artillery, and Commander type units with strengths given in men are available for orders issued every 20 minutes in simulated game time. There are 9 different speeds of resolution that can be selected. In the registered version of the program the battles of Ligny and of Quatre Bras, which led up to the climatic clash at Waterloo are also simulated.

  • Over the Reich! (Big Time Software) - ovreichd.zip Demo.

  • Qwxyz (JW Associates) - demo.

Computer Wargames: Windows 95/98/ME/XP/7 Games

Tablet/iPad Wargames

  • Davinci's Art of War (Matrix Games) - Publisher Website Promo - Haven't completed warmed up to tablet/iPad-based war games yet (although companies like Shenandoah Studio make pretty compelling iPad simulations), but Davinci's Art of War is really a clever concept. If the game plays as advertised, it should be tremendously entertaining. Looking for some unbiased reviews...

Recommended sites