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Spotlight Articles

Outstanding articles that are not necessarily linked to one particular game, but may have broad appeal to gamers.

Part 5. Continuing with the History of The Avalon Hill Game Company 1981-1982

Spotlight Article Graphic

Legendary Tactics take us through a productive time in the history of Avalon Hill. The story of The Avalon Hill Game Company continues as we move towards its peak!

Poster: Robert Holifield
Post Date: 6/17/2024

Part 4. The Story of The Avalon Hill Game Company 1978-1980

Spotlight Article Graphic

In Part 4 Legendary Tactics takes a look at the prolific period at the end of the 1970s, when many classic games were produced by The Avalon Hill Game Company.

Poster: Robert Holifield
Post Date: 6/4/2024

Part 3. The History of The Avalon Hill Game Company 1971-1977

Spotlight Article Graphic

Another installment by Legendary Tactics covering the history of The Avalon Hill Game Company (TAHGC). Several classic and enduring titles were published during this period.

Poster: Robert Holifield
Post Date: 5/21/2024

Part 2. The History of The Avalon Hill Game Company 1964-1970

Spotlight Article Graphic

Legendary Tactics YouTube Channel continues to chronicle the history of Avalon Hill. In Part 2, he looks at the early years of the company, and the growing pains that came along with it.

Poster: Robert Holifield
Post Date: 5/4/2024

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Grognard Challenge - Expanded Room for Comments! (6/25/2023)

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Grognard Originals

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Fast, simple, not expensive, little errata, but only reasonably fun. (War game Review)

In his review on BoardGameGeek, Brendan Whyte first turns a critical eye towards the components and rules and lists their shortcomings. Game play fares better: “…the game is fast and quite fun”. Whyte then goes into comprehensive details covering game mechanics and spares no criticism for the game opponent (AI). His discussion concerning solitaire board games vs solitaire computer games is very interesting.

PE TANG 1900 Q&A with Marco Campari

Some Q & A between myself and Marco Campari, designer of Pe Tang 1900 from Lumaca Games.

PE TANG 1900 Strategy Tips

This is the strategy I developed after playing Pe Tang 1900 from Lumaca Games.

PE TANG 1900 Optional Line of Sight Table

Here is an optional table to make it a little more difficult to eliminate the Boxer artillery.

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Game: Here I Stand


Publisher: GMT Games
Game Type: Board
Designer(s): Ed Beach
Search for this and related games with Noble Knight


Here I Stand: Wars of the Reformation 1517-1555 is the first game in over 25 years.to cover the political and religious conflicts of early 16th Century Europe. Few realize that the greatest feats of Martin Luther, Jean Calvin, Ignatius Loyola, Henry VIII, Charles V, Francis I, Suleiman the Magnificent, Ferdinand Magellan, Hernando Cortes, and Nicolaus Copernicus all fall within this narrow 40-year period of history. This game covers all the action of the period using a unique card-driven game system that models both the political and religious conflicts of the period on a single point-to-point map.


Article ID
Pub Date
Article Description
Date: 6/17/2024
Poster: Doug Holt
Unboxing: Here I Stand 500th Anniversary Reprint Edition, 2nd Printing (GMT Games)

"A complexity of six, to me, implies that the game is more complex than your average CDG, which I completely believe." Steven Pow, in Boisterous Exuberance, takes a look at his newly arrived copy of this well-known game. Check out why he thinks that "This seems like an incredible game, impressive in its scope, and honestly a little unbelievable...".
Web Link
Date: 12/5/2021
Poster: Harvey M.
[REVIEW] Here I Stand

Over the course of the pandemic, I have been gaming with several of my buddies online and we played 2 very interesting games of Here I Stand, a simulation of the Reformation era published by GMT Games. In this article, the Boardgames Chronicle gives us their review.
Web Link
Date: 9/21/2021
Poster: Harvey M.
Playing a full, 6-players game – Here I Stand

With the onset of the current pandemic, our wargame group was forced to play online, and during this time, I was introduced to the wonderful game of Here I Stand published by GMT Games. Each nation has somewhat asymmetric victory conditions, yet there is an enormous amount of conflict in an era that I was less familiar. The Boardgames Chronicle gives us this replay session to help you better understand the different strategies available.
Web Link
Date: 5/31/2020
Poster: Harvey M.
AAR: Here I Stand: Wars of the Reformation, 1517-1555 (500th Anniversary Edition) from GMT Games – Turn 3

The Players Aid continues turn 3 of their game of Here I Stand: Wars of the Reformation, 1517-1555 published by GMT Games. Based on the following I can only assume that they really love this game! “The New World went swimmingly, as both my explorer and my colony were successful. I’ve racked up some decent VPs from this, which will help to offset the lack of anything coming from the formation of Schmalkaldic League, which will happen next turn at some point. So, all is looking very interesting. I have a 1 point VP lead as the Hapsburgs, so I know people are looking to gang up on me as the leader, and those stacks of French and English troops are a little disconcerting. But that’s what makes this game so fascinating. When the diplomacy phase is declared and the inboxes fill up, it’s always an exhilarating and tense feeling. How much do I give away, who do I treat with, how will others react? Does it even matter? Can I forge my own path to victory?
Web Link
Date: 5/18/2020
Poster: Harvey M.
AAR: Here I Stand: Wars of the Reformation, 1517-1555 (500th Anniversary Edition) from GMT Games – Turn 2

"Just concluded Turn 2, Clement VII passed away, and much of the game was very cagey, and quite static. The English have a diplomatic marriage which they’re hanging over the French head. This is keeping those two at bay, and whilst time ticks along the French are looking further afield for VPs. I’m hoping to keep them on my side, militarily speaking, for as long as possible to focus all my resources east. Once the Ottomans are crushed then the Europeans are free to tear each other apart. " And so begins the Players Aid reporting of their recent game of GMT Games’ simulation of the Reformation, Here I Stand.
Web Link
Date: 5/13/2020
Poster: Harvey M.
Here I Stand

The Boardgames Chronicle brings us a three-person replay of the GMT Games simulation of the Reformation, Here I Stand. They conclude “It was so tremendously exciting and close game. And it is such a wonderful design – the game is really deep and I could play it whenever I have companions to do it. The good thing is that even after disaster or defeat your country can recover and your former enemies will ally you just to take down the leader. What a great game! I just hope to play more once lockdown is completed.”
Web Link
Date: 5/8/2020
Poster: Harvey M.
AAR: Here I Stand: Wars of the Reformation, 1517-1555 (500th Anniversary Edition) from GMT Games – Turn 1

Here I Stand, a game on the Reformation by GMT Games is a card driven simulation of a turbulent era religious history. It presents unique challenges derived from asymmetrical Victory conditions requiring players to devise their own unique strategy to win. The Players Aid begins the first turn in a replay series of the game.
Web Link
Date: 4/25/2020
Poster: Harvey M.
Playing a full, 6-players game – Here I Stand

The Boardgames Chronicle takes us back to the Reformation with a session report of their most recent six player game of GMT’s Here I Stand. I have always found this game fascinating due to its asymmetrical Victory conditions for each side. The players conclude, “It was really exciting and interesting game. Situation changed multiple times, and who knows what would happen in turn 4? Definitely, we would love to play again HIS – which is a fantastic game – especially as it is really about politics/negotiations where army is only mean to success. And we can’t wait to see how situation will develop in later turns, with new cards, counter-reformation, etc.”
Web Link
Date: 2/9/2020
Poster: Mark D.
Here I Stand - Replay

Video: Battle Report for "Here I Stand: Wars of the Reformation 1517-1555" from GMT Games. Produced and shared by The Players' Aid blog.
Web Link
Date: 7/28/2014
Poster: Mark D.
Games-Strategy and Tactics: Strategy Article

Brief strategy article addressing the possibility of attacking and defeating Scotland on the first turn.
Web Link
Date: 3/23/2014
Poster: Mark D.
Games-Strategy and Tactics: Turn 1 Strategy

You have to love a good strategy article, particularly about a deep game like 'Here I Stand'. And that's exactly what we got from Chance Folmer at the 'Games-Strategy and Tactics' Blog. There's also an 'Overview' strategy piece on the site as well.
Web Link
Date: 3/7/2014
Poster: Mark D.
C3I Ops Center: Player Aid (Learn in 20 Minutes)

"Here I Stand" is one of those games that require an extra bit of effort before a player fully "gets it". Fortunately for us, designer Ed Beach created a player aid titled "Learning Here I Stand in 20 Minutes or Less", which smooths the process of learning the game, and C3I Ops Center, another great gaming site, has published it as a PDF (see link above). "Here I Stand" neophytes need to read this first.
Web Link
Date: 1/26/2014
Poster: Mark D.
Shut Up and Sit Down: Review

Interesting written review format.
Web Link
Date: N/A
Poster: Mark D.

Web Link
Date: N/A
Poster: Mark D.

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Date: N/A
Poster: Mark D.
Review (in Portuguese)

Web Link
Date: N/A
Poster: Mark D.

Web Link
Date: N/A
Poster: Mark D.
Spanish translation of tables 1

Grognard Hosted
Date: N/A
Poster: Mark D.
Spanish translation of tables 2

Grognard Hosted
Date: N/A
Poster: Mark D.
Spanish translation of tables 3

Grognard Hosted
Date: N/A
Poster: Mark D.
Spanish translation of cards 1-45

Grognard Hosted
Date: N/A
Poster: Mark D.
Spanish translation of cards 46-99

Grognard Hosted
Date: N/A
Poster: Mark D.
Spanish translation of cards 100-218

Grognard Hosted
Date: N/A
Poster: Mark D.

Grognard Hosted
Date: N/A
Poster: Mark D.
errata and FAQ Sept 1 2009

Web Link
Date: N/A
Poster: Mark D.
review of 2-player version

Web Link
Date: N/A
Poster: Mark D.
player aid booklets (zipped files)

Web Link
Date: N/A
Poster: Mark D.
rules for official two-player variant (PDF file)

Web Link
Date: N/A
Poster: Mark D.
2010 Printing Rules

Web Link
Date: N/A
Poster: Mark D.

Grognard Hosted
Date: N/A
Poster: Mark D.

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