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Spotlight Articles

Outstanding articles that are not necessarily linked to one particular game, but may have broad appeal to gamers.

Part 4. The Story of The Avalon Hill Game Company 1978-1980

Spotlight Article Graphic

In Part 4 Legendary Tactics takes a look at the prolific period at the end of the 1970s, when many classic games were produced by The Avalon Hill Game Company.

Poster: Robert Holifield
Post Date: 6/4/2024

Part 3. The History of The Avalon Hill Game Company 1971-1977

Spotlight Article Graphic

Another installment by Legendary Tactics covering the history of The Avalon Hill Game Company (TAHGC). Several classic and enduring titles were published during this period.

Poster: Robert Holifield
Post Date: 5/21/2024

Part 2. The History of The Avalon Hill Game Company 1964-1970

Spotlight Article Graphic

Legendary Tactics YouTube Channel continues to chronicle the history of Avalon Hill. In Part 2, he looks at the early years of the company, and the growing pains that came along with it.

Poster: Robert Holifield
Post Date: 5/4/2024

Part 1. The Origins of The Avalon Hill Game Company 1952-1963

Spotlight Article Graphic

The Avalon Hill Game Company is 72 years old this year and time to chronicle the history of Avalon Hill. In Part 1, Origins, we will look at the story of not only the establishment of a game company, but an industry and a hobby. Thanks to Legendary Tactics YouTube Channel for this great series.

Poster: Robert Holifield
Post Date: 4/18/2024

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Gaming Conventions

Gaming Conventions

Another new feature for Grognard.com, the Gaming Convention calendar will make it a snap to keep up with all the latest gaming conventions in your area. But we need your gaming convention information, so please contribute.

Grognard News

Grognard Challenge - Expanded Room for Comments! (6/25/2023)

The Comments entry area has been resized to 512 characters.

Grognard Opponents Wanted (9/14/2022)

New Opponents Wanted function. You can now set your ad expiration date, up to one year. Requires site registration.

Gaming Conventions

New Gaming Conventions calendar. You can see all upcoming gaming conventions worldwide.

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If you belong to a gaming club, or know of one, please drop us a line and let us know so we can get it listed on Grognard.com!

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Grognard Originals

In addition to our links to great content all around the internet, expect to see more Grognard.com "originals" in the future.

Fast, simple, not expensive, little errata, but only reasonably fun. (War game Review)

In his review on BoardGameGeek, Brendan Whyte first turns a critical eye towards the components and rules and lists their shortcomings. Game play fares better: “…the game is fast and quite fun”. Whyte then goes into comprehensive details covering game mechanics and spares no criticism for the game opponent (AI). His discussion concerning solitaire board games vs solitaire computer games is very interesting.

PE TANG 1900 Q&A with Marco Campari

Some Q & A between myself and Marco Campari, designer of Pe Tang 1900 from Lumaca Games.

PE TANG 1900 Strategy Tips

This is the strategy I developed after playing Pe Tang 1900 from Lumaca Games.

PE TANG 1900 Optional Line of Sight Table

Here is an optional table to make it a little more difficult to eliminate the Boxer artillery.

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Have a look at the graphics for the latest Challenge and see past solutions and contest winners.

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Game: War Plan Z: The Kriegsmarine Strikes


Publisher: Decision Games
Magazine: World at War Magazine #96
Game Type: Magazine
Designer(s): Joseph Miranda
Search for this and related games with Noble Knight


War Plan Z: The Kriegsmarine Strikes assumes that Adolf Hitler had not canceled the Kriegsmarine (Germany Navy) expansion program in 1939. World War II in Europe does not begin September of that year. Instead, Hitler waits until War Plan Z is complete (in various stages). The game is a strategic two player simulation of the ensuing hypothetical naval campaigns fought between the Germans and the Allies sometime in the 1940s. One assumption of the game is that since Germany concentrates on increasing the Navy, there is no campaign in the west, so France remains an Allied power. Germany and the USSR still divide Poland, and an uneasy peace remains in effect on the Eastern Front.


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Date: 5/3/2024
Poster: Doug Holt
Unboxing: War Plan Z: The Kriegsmarine Strikes

"This one was quite a bit different than the games I already owned...". Steven Pow, in Boisterous Exuberance, takes a quick look at this new World at War Magazine title. If you are into "what if", check out a game based on "...the assumption that Hitler had not canceled Plan Z, and instead built up the German navy to its pre-war goals."
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