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Spotlight Articles

Outstanding articles that are not necessarily linked to one particular game, but may have broad appeal to gamers.

Prague 1757

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"...a near-run battle, with both sides making tactical mistakes that could have easily flipped the victory." Jeff Berry, in Obscure Battles, brings us an insightful view of this Seven Years War engagement, along with his splendid maps. Find out how the clash was a near thing, despite the fact that "...the campaign up to the battle was masterfully played out by Frederick, Schwerin and the other Prussian commanders."

Poster: Doug Holt
Post Date: 9/13/2024

Triangle Simulation Society: Southern Front 2024 Convention

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Triangle Simulation Society of North Carolina will be hosting their Wargame Convention featuring Historical Miniatures and other gaming on the 20th, 21st and 22nd of September 2024.

Poster: Robert Holifield
Post Date: 9/9/2024

Armchair Dragoons Fall Assembly 11-13 October

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Join the Dragoons for a convention with "...multiple tables for wargaming events, plus a large table for all-day monster wargaming across extended sessions."

Poster: Doug Holt
Post Date: 9/3/2024

Sword Lore II: M 1852 Prussian Cavalry Saber

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Having recently completed the research for a newly acquired sword, I thought I'd share what I've come up with...". Ed M brings us a fascinating, detailed look at a recent acquisition!

Poster: Doug Holt
Post Date: 9/2/2024

FoxCon Dallas 2024

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Decision Games and Desert Fox Games announce their annual war game convention, FoxCon, scheduled for 8-11 November, 2024. The convention features 4 days of open gaming, game previews, seminars from S&T Press authors, and a flea market!

Poster: Pat L.
Post Date: 8/29/2024

Schenectady Wargamers Association - CouncilCon 2024

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Schenectady Wargamers Association Annual Convention on 6th, 7th and 8th of September 2024. Held in Schenectady, NY featuring Board Games, Miniatures, RPGs, Vendors and an Auction.

Poster: Robert Holifield
Post Date: 8/26/2024

The Jhelum Alexander's Last Battle

Spotlight Article Graphic

"This story, too, is another example of how ancient history narratives can be bent by ancient propaganda, leading us to doubt their veracity." Jeff Berry, in Obscure Battles, brings us the intriguing tale of Alexander's last battle, along with some insights to put things in perspective: "Alexander thought that would've somehow given him legitimacy. It pissed him off...royally."

Poster: Doug Holt
Post Date: 8/16/2024

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Grognard Challenge - Expanded Room for Comments! (6/25/2023)

The Comments entry area has been resized to 512 characters.

Grognard Originals

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PE TANG 1900 Q&A with Marco Campari

Some Q & A between myself and Marco Campari, designer of Pe Tang 1900 from Lumaca Games.

PE TANG 1900 Strategy Tips

This is the strategy I developed after playing Pe Tang 1900 from Lumaca Games.

PE TANG 1900 Optional Line of Sight Table

Here is an optional table to make it a little more difficult to eliminate the Boxer artillery.

PE TANG 1900 Introductory War Game Review

My review for this great introductory war game concerning an obscure siege of a cathedral during the Boxer Rebellion. Use this game to recruit new war game players.

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S T U V W X Y Z '-9

Game: Congress of Vienna


Publisher: GMT Games
Series: Great Statesmen Series
Game Type: Board
Designer(s): Frank Esparrago
Search for this and related games with Noble Knight


We are pleased to announce an exciting new P500 offering: Congress of Vienna (CoV). Congress of Vienna is a diplomatic Strategy CDG for one to four players. It is based on Churchill, the superb, award-winning Mark Herman design, and was well received during GMT’s Spring 2019 Weekend at the Warehouse and June’s CSW Expo in Tempe, Arizona. It is the third game after Churchill and Pericles in GMT’s “Great Statesmen” series. CoV creates an enthralling gaming arena. It allows players to become the main characters of the dramatic, titanic struggle between the struggling Napoleonic Empire and the coalition of Russia, Austria, and Great Britain (with their Prussian, Spanish, Portuguese, and Swedish allies). The game starts after Napoleon’s disastrous 1812 retreat from Moscow, covering the decisive years of 1813 and 1814. The abstract game map involves a strategic theatre portraying Europe from the Iberian Peninsula to the boundaries of Poland and Prussia. It also includes the secondary front of Italy, an area for depicting maritime warfare and the British/American War of 1812. This game by designer Frank Esparrago and developer Dick Sauer (with much appreciated input from Mark Herman) has been created to be played as both a diplomatic and strategic military conflict without losing the taste of the Napoleonic era’s great battles.


Article ID
Pub Date
Article Description
Date: 8/19/2024
Poster: Doug Holt
Congress of Vienna Scenario Set-Up Maps with Associated Historical Backgrounds

"...some gamers prefer a graphic approach in the form of Scenario Set Up Maps." Frank Esparrago and Fred Schachter provide some scenario oriented player aids. They point out that the intent of the scenarios is "... for players to gain experience with the system and control the pace and facets of the war to their best advantages."
Web Link
Date: 11/18/2022
Poster: Doug Holt
Designing the Congress of Vienna Solitaire Game, Part 1of 2: Diplomacy and The French Bot

"Challenge: How to retain some of the variability four independently minded players seek in attaining personal victory?" Frank Esparrago and David Schoellhamer begin a series looking at solitaire adaptation for GMT Games' Congress of Vienna. Check out why they make the claim that "We found the Sorcerer’s Stone to solve our game’s Diplomacy Phase challenge!"
Web Link
Date: 12/10/2021
Poster: Doug Holt
Congress of Vienna’s Tactical Battle Matrix Option Part 2 of 2 – An Example of Battle

"...players will regret not having withdrawn, not using a military card which was held back for another battle, a bad tactical chit choice, and of course, the inevitable final dice rolls! Oh the pain hindsight can bring!" Frank Esparrago and Fred Schachter continue discussing the tactical expansion for GMT Games' Congress of Vienna, this time with an example of play. They demonstrate the richness the expansion brings with a well laid out example, and then point out that "…readers should be reassured that the game time this takes in actual play is very fast."
Web Link
Date: 12/8/2021
Poster: Doug Holt
A Congress of Vienna Option: Adding Tactical Flavor to Battles (A Tactical Battle Matrix) Part 1 of 2

"Some play testers wanted an option to study what could happen if they decided the big tactical choices in a decisive battle...". Frank Esparrago and David Schoellhamer begin an effort to make GMT Games' Congress of Vienna more grognard friendly. Check out the results when they "…could not resist the opportunity to address their desire!"
Web Link
Date: 10/20/2021
Poster: Doug Holt
War or Diplomacy? The Struggle Between the Wargamer vs Eurogamer Soul in the Design and Development of Congress of Vienna

"When you create a game like Congress of Vienna with its major political and diplomatic elements; you know some of the 'certainties' of a standard wargame which must be exceeded...". Frank Esparrago and Fred Schachter discuss the character of GMT Games' Congress of Vienna card driven game, in terms of how players view it. There seems to be a classic divide, in which it's "…almost like Designer Frank had two angels perched on his shoulders as he labored on his game creation… one a 'Wargamer Angel' and the other a 'Eurogamer Angel' each whispering their imprecations into his ears. Whom did he heed?
Web Link
Date: 9/22/2021
Poster: Doug Holt
Congress of Vienna Standard Game After-Action-Report: “The Clash of Armies” Scenario (Turn 1 of 4 – Aug. 1813)

"...the more experienced of our Congress of Vienna Play Test Teams already know that when there is disunity among Allied players France may prevail!" Frank Esparrago and Fred Schachter begin a scenario AAR for their GMT Games' Congress of Vienna card driven game. Check out how this first game turn delivers a lopsided result in which "…the Allied bed has been made. Will they be able to recuperate from this turn’s set-backs or will Napoleon go on to victory?"
Web Link
Date: 4/5/2021
Poster: Doug Holt
Congress of Vienna: Designing Its Solitaire Game

"...how can a good solitaire system be devised?" Frank Esparrago begins a series describing efforts to create a solitaire system for GMT Games' Congress of Vienna. Things look promising, in that Jim Gutt has already been creating flowcharts that "…sometimes generate better play results by his [Congress of Vienna] Bots than an average human player can accomplish!"
Web Link
Date: 8/26/2020
Poster: Doug Holt
Interview with Frank Esparrago Designer of Congress of Vienna from GMT Games

"With this title, I want players to be reminded that Clausewitz’s maxim 'war is politics with other means' is very true...". Grant Kleinhenz interviews designer Frank Esparrago about his GMT Games' Congress of Vienna, a card driven simulation of the close of the Napoleonic wars. Frank is clearly focused on both a sound design and fun: "…you have to endow the cards with characters containing 'soul'…"!
Web Link
Date: 7/27/2020
Poster: Doug Holt
Congress of Vienna July 2020 Development Update

"...the effort to edit and 'professionalize' Congress of Vienna‘s Rulebook is well underway...". Frank Esparrago and Fred Schachter relate the progress being made on GMT Games' Congress of Vienna, now that it has made the P500 "cut". Updates include changes to the map board, combat balancing, the card deck and the solitaire game system. Looking good!
Web Link
Date: 1/31/2020
Poster: Doug Holt
A Historical Introduction to the Congress of Vienna Period Part 2 of 4: Napoleon Resurgent (Spring 1813)

"At the beginning of April 1813, the French withdrawal in Central Europe caused the Allies to acquire a false sense of security...". Designer Frank Esparrago continues a series of articles familiarizing readers with the historical background for his GMT Games' Congress of Vienna, which covers the intense dynamics of the period after Napoleon's retreat from Moscow. Check out some awesome history intended to whet your appetite: "…it was time to spring Napoleon’s trap."
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