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Spotlight Articles

Outstanding articles that are not necessarily linked to one particular game, but may have broad appeal to gamers.

My top anticipated wargames of 2025

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"It is a pretty broad selection, containing solitaire, two-player and multiplayer titles, recent conflicts or very ancient ones." Michal, in The Boardgames Chronicle, takes his annual look at his most anticipated new titles. Check out which game has him concluding "I simply could not pass on this."

Poster: Doug Holt
Post Date: 2/5/2025

RBM Studio Update: The Palisades Fire

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Rodger MacGowan has seen his home and RBM Studio facility destroyed in the Palisades fire in California. His son Steven has set up a gofundme account where you can learn what happened and offer recovery help if you wish.

Poster: Doug Holt
Post Date: 1/24/2025

Obituary: Alan Emrich, game designer and writer, has died

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The site Game Developer brings us news of the passing of this industry titan.

Poster: Doug Holt
Post Date: 1/10/2025

2024 Christmas Newsletter

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"Hopefully all the socks and after shave that one could ever dream of, have graced your Christmas stocking and perhaps a wargame treat or two has sneaked in and brought a smile!" Norm Smith, in Battlefields and Warriors, brings us another entertaining sum up of his wargaming year!

Poster: Doug Holt
Post Date: 12/25/2024

Pournelle on “Does it matter if you call it a wargame?”

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"Much of what the Department of Defense calls wargaming is not actually wargaming, and that matters." Rex Brynen, in PAXsims, taps in on a discussion by analyst and former officer Phil Pournelle on what passes for "wargaming" in the DOD. "Failing to wargame properly in advance may mean having to learn in actual combat and risk it all."

Poster: Doug Holt
Post Date: 12/20/2024

Princeton 1777

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"...this one proved to be the decisive battle that really cemented the American survival in the early months of the Revolution." Jeff Berry, in Obscure Battles, covers the fascinating follow-up engagement to Trenton. Check out the action as "Just when everything seemed to be falling apart, Washington came galloping up."

Poster: Doug Holt
Post Date: 12/13/2024

Armchair Dragoons Digital Convention

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The Armchair Dragoons Digital Convention is coming up next month, registration is open now!

Poster: Doug Holt
Post Date: 12/3/2024

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Grognard Challenge - Expanded Room for Comments! (6/25/2023)

The Comments entry area has been resized to 512 characters.

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PE TANG 1900 Q&A with Marco Campari

Some Q & A between myself and Marco Campari, designer of Pe Tang 1900 from Lumaca Games.

PE TANG 1900 Strategy Tips

This is the strategy I developed after playing Pe Tang 1900 from Lumaca Games.

PE TANG 1900 Optional Line of Sight Table

Here is an optional table to make it a little more difficult to eliminate the Boxer artillery.

PE TANG 1900 Introductory War Game Review

My review for this great introductory war game concerning an obscure siege of a cathedral during the Boxer Rebellion. Use this game to recruit new war game players.

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Game: Commands & Colors: Medieval


Publisher: GMT Games
Series: Commands & Colors
Game Type: Board
Designer(s): Richard Borg
Search for this game with GMT Games


Commands & Colors: Medieval is based on the highly successful Commands & Colors game system and by design is not overly complex. The Medieval game introduces many new game concepts to the Commands & Colors system, which add historical depth and flavor.


Article ID
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Article Description
Date: 2/2/2025
Poster: Michał Kowalczuk
First Look at Commands & Colors: Medieval – Expansion #1 Crusades

We look today at the newest expansion to Commands & Colors: Medieval - the Crusades. We shall present the beautiful components of the game but also mention about the key new mechanics and concepts.
Web Link
Date: 5/2/2022
Poster: Doug Holt
Commands Colors Medieval session reports – Solochon 586 AD

"Historically my side did not give a good performance – my plan was to do better!" Michal, in The Boardgames Chronicle, brings us a GMT Games' Commands & Colors: Medieval replay. Check out what Michal describes as "…an a-historical carnage!"
Web Link
Date: 1/24/2021
Poster: Harvey M.
Playing Gothic War using Commands Colors Medieval – part 1

The Boardgames Chronicle takes a look at a collection of scenarios covering the Gothic War linked into a campaign for GMT's Command and Colors Medieval.
Web Link
Date: 11/22/2020
Poster: Harvey M.
Commands Colors Medieval EPIC – Catalaunian Fields (451 AD)

"I really like one of the newest installments in the Commands & Colors world – Medieval. And with the recent announcement from GMT that expansions (!) are underway, I am ever more excited! In the meantime, also due to the forced lockdown, I play mainly online. Recently, and idea struck me – if you look at the 2nd and 3rd scenario in Rule-book, it is obvious that you can combine them in one battle!", states The Boardgames Chronicle in their recent article on how to combine Scenario 002 Catalaunian Fields (451 AD) Roman and 003 Catalaunian Fields (451 AD) Into one large epic battle. They conclude, "The EPIC Catalaunian Plains definitely will be one of the more interesting and exciting games of medieval period using this system."
Web Link
Date: 10/8/2020
Poster: Harvey M.
Belisarius Campaign – Part 7 – Decimum 533 AD (Phase 1)

The Boardgames Chronicle continues its series of replays of the scenarios in GMT Games, Command & Colors Series, this time Commands & Colors: Medieval. The replay begins with Belisarius on the march to the fateful battle of Decimum 533 AD.
Web Link
Date: 9/2/2020
Poster: Harvey M.
REVIEW of Commands Colors: Medieval from GMT and Richard Borg Bonding With Board Games

Bonding with Board Games reviews Commands & Colors: Medieval published by GMT Games and includes some instruction on how to play the game. For fans of this game and the Command & Colors series, it's a nice video to learn a little more about these popular games.
Web Link
Date: 8/25/2020
Poster: Harvey M.
“Peace was without confidence and war was without mercy.” Edward Gibbon. Commands and Colors – Medieval. Board Game Review

The Armchair General reviews Commands & Colors – Medieval, the newest entry in the venerable Commands & Colors series published by GMT Games. It covers the 5th and 6th Century battles between the Byzantine Empire aka the Eastern Roman Empire and the Sassanid Persians. It is expected that this will be the core game that will then be expanded upon to cover conflicts from the 7th Century to the 15th Century.
Web Link
Date: 3/25/2020
Poster: Harvey M.
Commands & Colors Medieval – Mini-Tournament #1

The Boardgames Chronicle reports on their the first ever Vassal mediated Mini Tournament run for Commands & Colors Medieval published by GMT Games.
Web Link
Date: 3/5/2020
Poster: Harvey M.
Belisarius Campaign – Part 6 – Callinicum 531 AD (Phase 2)

The Boardgames Chronicle continues it's series of replays following the tale of the greatest Byzantine general, Belisarius, utilizing GMT's Commands & Colors: Medieval. They continue the story with the battle of Callinicum which occurred during the Iberian War – a conflict raging between the Byzantine and the Sassanid Empires from 526 AD to 532 AD over the eastern Georgian kingdom of Iberia.
Web Link
Date: 1/13/2020
Poster: Doug Holt
Belisarius Campaign – Part 5 – Callinicum 531 AD (Phase 1)

"...the Romans, having nothing to lose, charged the exposed Sassanid center...". Michal, in his Boardgames Chronicle blog, has a couple of fun rounds with the Callinicum scenario in GMT Games' Commands & Colors: Medieval. Check out why Michal concludes "That is really a great scenario: balanced, with a lot of maneuvers plus heavy units on both sides."
Web Link
Date: 11/1/2019
Poster: Doug Holt
Belisarius Campaign – Part 4 – Satala (530 AD)

"...game-play is quick & brutal with both factions set-up in very confrontational way." Michal, writing in The Boardgames Chronicle, offers some more intense replays in GMT Games' Commands & Colors: Medieval, this time with the Satala scenario. Lots of good images and clearly a lot of fun, even when Michal has to comment "Ok, maybe that was not such a great idea…"!
Web Link
Date: 10/18/2019
Poster: Harvey M.
Comparative replay of Commands Colors Medieval and Ancients

The Boardgames Chronicle continues the third part of its comparative replays of GMT's tactical block game series Commands & Colors Medieval and Commands & Colors Ancients
Web Link
Date: 9/30/2019
Poster: Doug Holt
Belisarius Campaign – Part 3 – Dara (530 AD)

"Dara is an interesting, asymmetric scenario which can finish in any side gaining victory…". Michal, writing in The Boardgames Chronicle, covers a couple of intense replays of the Dara (530 AD) scenario in GMT Games' Commands & Colors: Medieval. And, like the saying goes, it ain't over till it's over: "The most astounding thing happened at the end of the game."
Web Link
Date: 9/17/2019
Poster: Harvey M.
Boardgames Chronical Reviews Commands & Colors: Medieval

A concise review of GMT's Commands & Colors: Medieval by the Boardgames Chronicle
Web Link
Date: 9/6/2019
Poster: Mark D.
Commands & Colors: Medieval Player's Aid (PDF)

Alejandro Calle offers a player's aid for GMT Games' Commands & Colors: Medieval, which includes interactions between units. Thanks Alejandro!
Grognard Hosted
Date: 9/3/2019
Poster: Mark D.
Commands and Colors: Medieval vs Ancients Comparison – Part 2 – Minor Changes

Link to second article in the series comparing newest installment of Commands & Colors - Medieval and its natural predecessor - Ancients. Have a great read! Article written by our friends at the Boardgames Chronicle blog.
Web Link
Date: 8/14/2019
Poster: Doug Holt
Commands and Colors: Medieval vs Ancients Comparison Part 1: Major Changes

What are "Inspired Actions"? A first article by The Boardgames Chronicle examines how GMT Games' Commands & Colors: Medieval differs from its predecessor, Commands & Colors: Ancients. The "Major Changes" include some surprises: "Who would dream in C&C: Ancients about charging headlong into a supported Auxilia and surviving…".
Web Link
Date: 8/7/2019
Poster: Mark D.
Commands and Colors: Medieval vs Ancients Comparison – Part 1 – Major Changes

As an ardent fan of the "Commands & Colors" system - especially "Ancients", I awaited "Medieval" version with great anticipation. New installments definitely do not disappoints. I am sure it will for long time stay as one of more played games by me. Today I would like to share with you first article in series regarding the differences between both games, i.e. Medieval vs. Ancients. Have a great read!
Web Link
Date: 6/27/2019
Poster: Mark D.
Session Report - 004 Thannuris – 528 AD

The good folks at The Board Games Chronicle follow up their unboxing video with a session report from play of the Thannuris-528AD scenario. Gotta love a good session report...
Web Link
Date: 6/13/2019
Poster: Mark D.
Unboxing / New Release

"I am a big Commands & Colors Ancients fan and this is definitely the best light-wargame I have ever played. When I heard that its logical continuation focusing on the early Medieval period (Byzantine vs Sassanids) - was next from GMT, I knew I had to have the game." Unboxing video by the good gamers at Boardgames Chronicle.
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