Game: Red Flag Over Paris

Publisher: GMT Games
Article ID: 3 Date: 2/12/2021 5:30:00 AM History Behind the Cards – A Look at Red Flag Over Paris from GMT Games with Designer Fred Serval – Card #7 Walery Wroblewski
"The game forces players to make tough decisions like when to focus on political influence or military dominance and how to optimize limited resources." The Players' Aid offers another in a series of articles highlighting the history behind GMT Games' Red Flag Over Paris: 1871, The Rise and Fall of the Paris Commune. This article takes a look at Walery Wroblewski, included because, as designer Fred Serval points out, "I wanted the deck of Red Flag Over Paris to pay tribute to those polish soldiers that took part in the 1871 insurrection."
Article ID: 2 Date: 4/8/2020 6:52:00 AM Interview with Fred Serval Designer of Red Flag Over Paris: 1871, The Rise and Fall of the Paris Commune from GMT Games
"The Versailles player needs to win on the military front to win the game, and the Commune player should focus on the Political aspect of the conflict." Grant Kleinhenz interviews designer Fred Serval about his upcoming GMT Games' Red Flag Over Paris: 1871, The Rise and Fall of the Paris Commune. Sounds like Fred is putting plenty of historical fascination into the game. In other words, he gets it: "...nothing [is] as powerful as having the facts laid out in front of you and asking yourself, 'what should I do now?'. You just can’t beat that."
Article ID: 1 Date: 1/18/2020 3:44:00 PM Red Flag Over Paris - First design by Fred Serval
"Red Flag Over Paris", currently on the GMT Games P500 list, is a short, yet challenging, two-player strategic game simulating the two months of intense confrontation between the Communards and the government in Versailles during the 1871 Paris Commune. This video gives an overview of the prototype and explain how this game is different from other games in the same system, like "Fort Sumter". Video produced by designer Fred Serval.

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