Game: Battle 1917

Publisher: CCS
Article ID: 1 Date: 5/13/2019 8:20:00 AM Three Short War Game Reviews for Battle 1917
The ZX Spectrum was an early home computer popular in the 1980’s and 1990’s built in the UK by Sinclair. Graphics were rudimentary and sounds were limited to beeps but some of the games created for this platform were quite challenging. Several magazines including ”Popular Computing Weekly”, “Crash”, “Games Machine” and “Your Sinclair” provided tips and reviews for ZX Spectrum users. These three reviews, one from “Popular Computing Weekly” and two from “Crash” give good to bad ratings for Battle 1917 from CCS. The game is a two player simulation somewhat like chess and it won the Cambridge Award for 1983.
Article ID: 2 Date: 5/13/2018 Battle 1917 Intro Video
Prolific poster zxspectrumgames4 has posted a short video intro. The graphics and sound reflect the state of computing in 1983 for this World War I based chess game.

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