LEGION - Variant SPI, 1975 Brad Fallon Malton, Ontario, Canada May 23, 1978 [3.12] ARAUSIO (105 BC) ROMANS: 24SD, 8LC, 8SK, 1"2", 1"3". VP 80, PL 16. Deploy: E-5; no deploying west of the river, Deploy first, move second. Stacking: 2. CIMBRI / TEUTONE: 35BL, 8LC, 6OC, 1"1", 1"2". VP 125, PL 38. Deploy J-2 and/or G-4, Deploy second, move first. Stacking: 3. Leadership: Mt. Ex. GAME LENGTH: 12 Game Turns VICTORY CONDITIONS: Romans must exit 20 units from the west map edge or win a Marginal Victory without exit. Cimbri / Teutones wins with a Substantive Victory and preventing Roman exit. Everything else is a draw. TERRAIN MODIFICATIONS: The river (Rhône) can only be crossed at the two fords (0817 & 0824). No retreats across river. HISTORICAL NOTE: Seeking refuge from the turmoil of the Migrations, the Cimbri and Teutone tribes appealed to Rome for land and protection. They were turned away by the Romans, who then attacked them. Small battles were fought and won by the Cimbri / Teutone against the Romans in 113 and 107 BC. In 105, they met the combined armies of Mallius Maximus and Servilius Caepio. Demoralised by disputes between Maximus and Servilius, the Roman armies, their backs to the River Rhône, were torn apart at Arausio, with over 50,000 Romans killed. Four years later, Rome would get its final revenge at the Battle of Vercellae.