Edward Sabatine - 01:29pm Aug 18, 1998 PST (#1983 of 1993) I hate to interrupt a good flame war and OOB discussion, but I'd thought This table is yet another fix the the famed "Boggy Depot" problem in "Civil War." Essentially, every time you use a leader's tactical rating in a battle, you roll the two dice and consult this table. You can use army and army group's commanders tactical ratings in battles under this variant, at the cost of giving a reroll to your opponent. "Killed", "Wounded", and "Promote" should be obvious, as per the rules. "Demote" means putting the leader on the next game turn track, although players can always substitute the lower ranking counter. Leaders are still initially placed blindly. Players have the option of putting demoted army commanders in the Removed Leaders Box. Two commands are automatically deducted from the appropriate theater when an army commander is demoted; if they are unavailable the opponent receives two discretionary commands. One Star Two Star Three Star Four Star 2 killed killed wounded wounded 3 wounded wounded wounded demote 4 wounded wounded demote demote 5 demote demote demote demote 6 no effect demote demote no effect 7 no effect no effect no effect no effect 8 no effect no effect no effect no effect 9 promote no effect no effect no effect 10 promote promote no effect no effect 11 promote promote promote no effect 12 promote promote promote (promote) Add one if the force the leader is in is not demoralized due to the battle, and one if the force has not retreated. Add one if the battle was fought in enemy territory. Subtract one if the force the leader was in retreated after the battle, and subtract one if the force was eliminated. Subtract one if the Confederate Imports Marker is lower than a hundred. If a four star leader is promoted the player may promote or demote any leader in the armies he is controlling.