From: Skip Franklin Subject: B-17 Tournament Rules B-17, QUEEN OF THE SKIES Tournament Rules November 16, 1996 Oklahoma City, OK Days Inn South Welcome to our club's first tournament of B-17, QUEEN OF THE SKIES. This tournament will have one round only, consisting of a single mission. Each player will control a single bomber. Players will be placed in groups of two to four players, with one game for each group. Each player must complete one zone, and then allow the other players in the group to complete that zone. All non-active players will verify the dice rolls of the active player of the group. Every effor will be made to have comparable conditions for all players. So please not the following: A. The target for the mission is the railyard at Hamm. B. Fighter cover will be announced by the moderator as each zone is entered. C. No optional rules will be used (no random events allowed). D. Weather over the target and in England and Flak over the target will be announced by the moderator at the proper time. Victory Conditions Selection of the winner will be base on points, with the highest total winning the tournament. Points are awarded for the following: A. Each crewman returning to England not seriously wounded or KIA = 1 Point. B. Your B-17 returns to England in repairable condition = 3 Points. C. Percentage of your bombs on target divided by ten (round fractions down) = 1 to 10 Points. D. Each Me110 destroyed = 1 Point. E. Each Fw190 or Me109 destroyed = 2 Points. You are not eligible to win unless you fly your bomber over the target and then return to England. In the case of tie scores, the winner will be the bomber with the most remaining ammunition. Please fill out your Mission Charts legibly, keep your writing clear and no obscene bomber names. Good luck and good hunting! Moderator: Eddie Sells [The tournament came down to the counting of the last box of ammunition. Great game, write to Stalag 42 for more information. Skip] -- Skip Franklin Grognard Wargamer