Mike Galandiuk - 08:55pm Sep 8, 2001 PST (#4989 of 4994) Northcoast Gamers Alliance (Greater Cleveland, Ohio, USA) Walter and I played COMMAND's WHEN DRAGONS FIGHT, by Ty Bomba. Simple game. No ZOC. Special rules include artillery, airpower, airmobile units, marines and supply. Very XTR. Well writen rules. I knew nothing about the game. Walter knew a little more. I browsed throught he rules and we started. I played the Chinese. (The Peoples Republic of China PRC) Walter played the Chinese. (Taiwan) The PRC units are Tank, light infantry and Infantry Divisions, Marine and Airborne brigades, Airmoble (helicopter) regiments. Ther's also an PRC artilery unit and a "super gun" counter. Taiwan gets Airmobile, Infantry, marine and lots of a "wheeled/armour/recon mechanized brigade." PRC armour and infantry divisions have four steps,and everything else has two steps. Taiwan also has a underground airbase. Airmoble units attack at a range of 4-5 hexes when they don't move. The PRC wins if it can get 16 victory points before the end of turn 14. Taiwan wins if they don't. No tie games here. Towns are worth one vp, cities three vps. It's sudden death. as soon as he gets enough points, the games over. We muddled through the invasion turn. Taiwan has a free set up, so they pretty much garrisoned the 29 invation beaches. Except one, in the South of the island next to the city of Kaohsiung. I was allowed to land two infantry divisions there along with my supplyhead-unopposed. I was also allowed to land my two Marine brigades, which invaded Kaohsiung itself. The Taiwan infantry brigade there was eliminated, with the help of the super gun (worth 6 combat factors plus one die roll)and the Peoples Airforce (one shift). I also landed three airmoble units and a paratrooper brigade on each flank of the my intial area of operations (11vps)to hold or delay Taiwan reinforcments to the area. One group wa deployed to the north covering the Tsengwen River crossing, and the other covered the road comming out of the mountains from the South. Taiwan forces rushed to contain the invasion, leaving an airfield near Tainan undefended. Four PRC light infantry divisions landed shortly afer. After this, the area between the Kaoping River to the south and the Tsengwen River to the north was secure. The PRC was ready to break out. The supergun was destroyed by a Taiwan suicide commando mission (a roll of 1 on a die). The PRC sent an armour unit south, then north on the other side of the island and captured Taintung unopposed. Taiwan forces had retreated from the area to defend Hualien and the underground airbase further North. Taiwanese reinforcments arrived to form a defensive line on the Tsengwen River. As Hualien fell to the east of the island, the PRC forces attacked the Taiwan forces defending the Tsengwen River and formed a bridghead with armour and light infantry divisions. The Taiwan forces retreated North to form a defensive line on the Choshun River, a river that forms a delta from the mountains to the ocean. The PRC marine brigades conducted an amphibious landing to the rear of this line and drew Taiwan forces away to meet the threat to their rear area. At this time, an attack established a bridgehead across the Chshun River and the Taiwan forces withdrew again, this time to the City of Taichung and the surrounding towns of Petun and Fengyuan. Here the Taiwan forces would have to make their last stand. (PRC had 15 vps) The PRC marine amphibious landed again near the airfirld at Taoyuan, but they were finally destroyed at this new beachhead. They accomplished their mission and diverted important Taiwan Units away from the main battle area at Taichung. PRC units poured onto the island. PRC light infantry divisions flanked the strong defensive line at TAICHUNG, ATTACKING THE TOWN OF FENGYUAN. The light divisions, supported by airmoble forces, destroyed the Taiwanese defenders and secured the town. The PRC had won with 16 vps. It took 2-1/2 hours. I enjoyed the game. It was accessible and finished in an evening.