Montebello (Canons en Carton) This is another entry in the prolific Jours de Gloire series by the great Fredric Bey of Vae Victis fame, who gives us another battle from the early years of the Napoleonic adventure. This small battle fought in 1800 between the French and the Austrian armies on italian soil is a very good addition to the series (for a glimpse of the system you may take a look at my review of Rivoli here on Grognard). On a field of battle equally divided among plains and gentle hills moving from the bottom of the map to the center of it, two small and balanced armies fight for the control of the village of Casteggio (3 victory points hexes) for 12 turns (about two-three hours to complete the game), with a costant see-saw effect on the hexes surrounding the village. I've played two times the battle in solitaire and each time the victory went to the Austrians but with an almost equal result for both armies. I find the game very well balanced, interesting to play more than a couple of times, very rich and colorful for a DTP (it's very similar to a Vae Victis game) and a worth addition to any grognard out there. I rate the game 7 in a 1-10 scale Roberto Chiavini