Bradley Fletcher - Aug 8, 2010 12:21 pm (14605.) new Gonzalo, saw your post on CSW asking about the Arnhem folio--just got mine and have played it a few times, so thought I'd respond. I used to have a copy of the Arnhem quad boxed as "A Bridge Too Far," and really enjoyed it--so was excited about this. After a few games, got to say that I'm very happy with the folio. It is packaged in a nice folder which will certainly suffice, and comes with the 100 counters (which look to me pretty much the same as in the old quad in terms of type, strength, etc... with the important exception of the artillery-which I'll explain.) The map is the same but the graphics are a bit better and more colorful. All in all, the physical and graphical presentation are similar to the old, but generally improved and updated. The game system is presented in a set of series rules (8 pages, quite straightforward) and a four page exclusive set of rules for Arnhem. The rules are simple and good, I had a few questions but worked them out easily enough. The biggest difference that I can see is t the handling of artillery/support. Instead of the arty combat units of the original, this version has strength support chits which you add to your offensive/defensive strength. It is a very simple mechanic (I actually keep trying to make it more complicated by placing some restrictions on it that aren't in the rules!) and, I think, a good substitution. The game places simply and very well--brought me right back to those nail-biting days of the old Arnhem! I've seen the Germans hang up the Brits at Eindhoven, threaten the corridor at several points, and battle ferociously for the bridges at Nijmegan and Arnhem. Right now, Frost is at the latter bridge, hanging on by a thread, but punishing the Germans, and after tough fighting down the road in Nijmegan, the 82nd (much reduced) has finally cleared that bridge. Great game, and especially for the money--shipping, by the way, is six dollars for, I believe, one/two or three folios--can't beat it. Anyway, hope this helps. (ps: sent this via email, but nto sure it went out...) Brad Fletcher