The original was published by Flying Buffalo, entitled "Imperialism"" Overall quality: poor, four map pieces (plastic encoated), uncoated die cut pieces, cards on stock, rules a prelude to the revised edition. I only bought this for "reference" purposes after I had the revised edition. As stated before, the maps were to be used with a grease pencil to mark in infrastructure improvements (Ports, Cities) Grand Imperialism, second edition: Published by Gametime Games, a division of Heritage Model, Dallas TX, copyright 1979: (Good quality) Mounted 4-part map: thick-cut, glossy counters (representing: Native Armies, Pirates, Money (Resources), Cities, Ports, Fortifications, and the six main antagonists represented by counters representing Albion [English], the Third Republic [French], the Empire of Prussich [Germany], the Garibaldin Kingdom [Italy], Confederation of States [United States], and Imperial Ranshu [Japan], plus my optional "Warlord" counters (they add to combat roles, but if killed, you gain no new wealth on the next turn when they appear in you home country). Cards on glossy stock with backprinted logo of Heritage Models. A simple game encompassing economics (build ports, cities, fortifications & units), attrition (for units entering jungle, deserts, crossing mountains), and a CRT. (Rules are four pages total). The card play added a "luck" element, but also allowed players to gang up on someone doing too good to bring him down.