Don Hessong - May 11, 2005 10:28 am (#2201 Total: 2202) Dogs look up to man, cats look down on man. But a pig... a pig will look a man right in the eye. map changes in the new edition of Rommel in the Desert I went ahead and did the comparison... I'm not addressing aesthetic changes here or name changes except where it happens to pertain to a functional change. The boundry between Libya and Egypt now conforms more closely to hex sides, whereas previously it went through the middle of a couple of hexes. Bir Gubi (previously named El Gubi) and its intersections have been moved east one hex (two hexes SE of Tobruk), which creates a new track connection between the El Adem hex and the hex now known as Bir Gubi. This also means there is now no road connection between the El Adem hex and the hex formerly known as El Gubi (now only Retma is there). A new trail connection (two hexes SW of Tobruk) between the Sidi Mufta hex and the Bir Hacheim hex. A new trail connection (two hexes west of Tobruk) between the Sidi Mufta hex and the Gazala hex. A new trail connection (two hexes SW of Bardia) between the Gabr Saleh hex and the Ft. Maddelena hex (Bir Sheferzen was moved west one hex). A new trail connection (one hex SW of Bardia) between the Gabr Saleh hex and the Ft. Capuzzo hex. There's now a trail/track intersection in the hex NE of Siwa Oasis rather than it being in the Siwa Oasis hex. The track and the other trail going to Siwa Oasis still intersect in the Siwa Oasis hex. The ridge north of Jalo Oasis did not previously exist (unless it was an errata thing). The marsh NW of Jalo Oasis previously effected only one hex side (unless it was an errata thing).