Rob F. O'Winslow - Aug 24, 2006 10:50 am (#2425 Total: 2445) "When I get this time travel thing down, I'll go back to your infant days and kill all you a-holes in your cribs." -- Albert Einstein LOL Victor. Actually, Mark Simonitch and Bill Topritzhofer got the WW rules posted. I just made the request. Glad we could help. Gene, We also need to get the new errata for WW online (3 changes). It probably got lost in the shuffle, as I sent it to you in early July. I can resend as a "Word" file, or you can just cut and paste from here. We did use this at WBC. Thanks! ----------------------------------------------- 7.62 The owner chooses which specific units take losses, but AT LEAST HALF (ROUNDED UP) OF THE step losses must be fulfilled from a Drilled Troops unit, if available. This takes precedence over 7.63. 7.63 Except as required to meet the Drilled Troops loss requirement above, a player may not assign overall losses from a battle such that some units are eliminated while others remain at full strength. -------------------------------------------------------- 6.432 ADD 5th BULLET: It allows British Avoid Battle from the Amphib space directly to any British controlled port, not just an adjacent space. 15.11 British units in an Amphib space may avoid battle directly to any British controlled port. ------------------------------------------------------- 12.12 Scenarios ending in 1759. If none of the above has occurred by the end of 1759, the British win if they control all originally-British fortresses [for the case of this victory condition ONLY, the British player retains "control" of an originally-British fortress unless a French drilled troop unit is besieging the fortress AND is able to roll on the Siege Table {Advanced Game Only} OR the French player has taken and still holds the fortress] plus two of the following four spaces are under British control: Québec Montréal Niagara Ohio Forks