Niek van Diepen - Mar 11, 2011 12:07 pm (#240 Total: 241) Wings over Arras Dug up this game to see if it can be used as a campaign game for Wings of War. It seems to be rather enjoyable, even solo, but I am wondering about two design mechanics, and a rules question. 1) The game is played in turns, in which each player performs 7 tasks. The rules say: "Once all seven tasks have been carried out, the tokens are removed, and the process starts over again." I assume that only the tokens on the Task Displays are removed, not leftover tokens on the Orders Displays or the offensive hits boxes? 2) Air missions requiring air combat (British Artillery Spotting and Air Superiority) allow the players to secretly assign squadrons to missions by putting the cards face down in one of three positions: straight, across, or diagonal. The British player is always first. Now the German Jasta's have their three missions nicely distributed, e.g. for "patrol" two cards each straight, across, and diagonal out of six cards total. However, the British cards seem to be a give-away. All seven bomber squardrons have "recon" across, and "feint" diagonal, all five fighter squadrons have "short patrol" across, and "deep patrol" diagonal; two of them have "recon" straight in addition, a dead give-away of both type (FE-2) and mission. Is this intended? 3) Escorts are only added when the British chose "recon" and the Germans gamble it is "short patrol" instead. Should not escorts be assigned before a mission, not as an accidental afterthought? My single try-out game so far really looked like "Bloody April". Well done! Niek van Diepen - Mar 18, 2011 11:57 am (#241 Total: 241) Wings over Arras Received the following answer by e-mail from designer Steve Wamboldt: ---------- Referring to question #1, you are correct. Only the tokens on the Task Display are removed. Referring to questions #2, it seems that there are some misprints on the cards. If you examine the cards closely, the colours of the card placement refers to whether it is a “recon” or “feint”. You will have to “ink amend” the bomber cards. Referring to question #3, the British player can only add Escorts if the mission is “recon” and the German mission was “patrol”. I realize that this rule may seem unrealistic and “gamey”, but it was put there to prevent every mission from having escorts and limiting the scouts to just escort duties. ---------- I found one more clarification (by Elias Nordling on the Memory Lane Command and Strategy board): the lack of orders for the British (thus guaranteeing a shortage which pushes the Allied offensive back) is intended. Back to the game!