OFFICIAL ERRATA (as of 26th August, 1985) 1. Pacific map correction: Add a blue communication line between the South American Coast sea-box and the American West Coast sea-box. 2. Combat Charts addition: Add the following to the Neutral Set Up Chart - Iraq - 1 cav and Persia – 1 cav. 3. Combat Charts correction: Weather Effects Chart - Mud: Replace "halved" with "reduced by 1 hex" and - Severe Winter: Insert "Supply range halved" (Rule 8.0 is correct). 4. Rule 4.3 add new para: "Desert hexes count as 2 for supply path purposes. In non-clear weather turns, the supply line length is not reduced for units in desert hexes." 5. Rule 6,0 addition East Prussia is a German Home Country. 6. Rule 9.0 clarification: para. 5, note that neutral major powers may not transport any resources except their own. 7. Rulke 10.3.5 deletion: delete the words "TRS and" from line 5, para. 1. 8. Rule addition: para. 3, after "section occupied by" add "non-neutral". 9. Rule 10.5.4 addition: para. 6, add new sentence – "If a unit invades a hex which causes it to spend more movement points than it has (e.g., any invasion into a swamp hex), then the unit is flipped face-down after combat if it survives." 10. Rule correction: line 6, second last para. - change "or" to "and". 11. Rule add new para: "If a unit ends its retreat on a friendly unit that is attacked subsequently in the impulse, the retreated unit is not included for odds calculation but is included for any adverse combat effects." 12. Rule 11, 1 add new sentence: "Partisans count as corps for stacking purposes." 13. Rule 11.3 add new para to US Entry Modifications: "Axis conquer France - The turn that the Axis player either conquers France or installs a Vichy Government requires a test for US entry." 14. Rule 11.3 deletion: delete to words "using Chinese production" from additional action no. 3. 15. Rule 11.4.2 para 1, line 5 add: "(Exception: - Russia, on the turn she goes to war with Germany has no restriction on what units she builds)." 16. Rule 11.4.4 addition: last para. after "Commonwealth units" add "(i.e., one or more resources must have been successfully transported to Britain, India or Canada from the USA for Commonwealth to receive lend lease)." 17. Rule 18.0 addition: effect (II), after "All river terrain effects" add "and canal terrain effects". 18. Rule 18.0 correction: delete the words ""reduce their dice-rolls to activate the attack by three (3)" and replace with "activate the attack automatically." 19. Rule 21.0 addition: add new para. - "Naval and aircraft units in hexes and zones which pass to enemy control due to conquest must rebase. Naval units must rebase to the nearest port at which they can stack. Aircraft (whether face-up or face-down) must rebase to any controlled hex in range and are destroyed if none is available. After rebasing, these units are turned face-up." 20. Rule 25.2 last para, last line after box add: "that is adjacent to the off-map's sea area." 21. Rule 26.5 correction: line 2 replace first "an" with "a face-up" and insert "face-up" between "or" and "aircraft". 22. Rule 26.6 correction: in example replace "Commonwealth player (Russia did not enter) has 26 points" with "Commonwealth/Russian player has 31 points" and replace "(26-22)" with "(31-27)". 23. Rule 27.1 correction: first para, replace "Hawaii" with "Honolulu". 24. Rule clarification: When counting victory points at the end of 1944, include the Nov/Dec 1944 points for Commonwealth naval units on map as well as those for previous years, and points for units taken from the transfer pool. All these points are also included when checking Victory in 1945. 25. Rule 28.2.4 correction: USA, delete "1 INF"' in b. (iii). Replace "1 LS" in c. (iii) with " 1 HS, 1 INF. 26. Rule 28.3.1 addition: last para. add new sentence - "US Entry action 7 is considered to be chosen in Jul/Aug 1940; action 15 in Jan/Feb 1941; and action 14 in Jul/Aug 1941." 27. Rule 28.3.2 addition: para. 3 add new sentence – "In each turn, Russia receives build points equal to its current production multiple, in addition to any on-map production." 28. Rule 28.3.3 addition: Add new sentences – "The Axis side receives 10 victory points if the Allies declare war on Italy. If playing the MultiPlayer option, these 10 points are considered to be equally distributed to the Axis players," 29. Rule 28.4.2 deletion: after "USA –" delete "2 infantry and". 30. Rule 28.4.4 correction: USA, in b. (ii) delete - "1 INF". In c. (iii) replace "1 LS" with "1 HS, 1 INF'. 31. Rule 30.0 correction: para. 3, line 6 replace "following" with "preceding." 32. Rule 3 1.0 addition: in the definition of the Allies insert "Britain," after "includes". NB submitted by John Kula ( on behalf of the Strategy Gaming Society (, originally collected by Andrew Webber (