Joseph Miranda - Apr 27, 2004 9:32 am (#159 Total: 226) 1. Is the Mysore issue resolved, it's two squares, not one so just divvy up the horde and the base? See the errata. 2. When using the Strum marker against diplomacy marker, I assume it is played against the face down markers - or can you see what the other player has first (obviously nice to knock out a "3"). You can play it at any time, so you can wait till the Diplomacy marker is face up but before it is implanted. 3. I would assume each player must always control one major power. Should neutrality be disallowed if diplomacy is used? Also, should a player be always able to keep his listed main power (i.e., player 1 GB, player 2 Fr, etc.). If someone gets lucky and gets France or GB to go neutral, could make things tough for that player. It's in there somewhere that you never lose control of your main power. 4. Campaign markers - rules state that if you are at the max, then you must return markers to the pool. What happens if you are one less than the max and draw your free ones? You return the excess to the Pool before the draw goes over the limit, or not take the free draw. 5. Can you use minor county ally reinforce to upgrade a base to a fort? Only its own. 6. Losses, round up or down? (an attack against a fort by itself called for half a point to be eliminated, would the fort be gone?) Yes. 7. Lastly, is it a valid tactic to have one minor attack another just to reduce them both? (Italian states vs. German states to attrit them before French attack them proper). Shouldn't there be some limitation - either on odds necessary (can sucide at 1-3 to really reduce them), or limit minor countries to attacking only major powers? You can make these attacks. 8. Can land leaders be used to help defend bases? Don't know if a base falls within the definition of a "force". Yes. 9. Should there be a limitation on losing/gaining Campaign Markers when attacking bases? (i.e., CM only gained or lost against fleets/armies a la the minor country rule?). Got the French ready to roll up the American east coast, the fleets may die, but what a glorious gain of markers. No limit for this. 10. Do enlightenment markers add to the initiative? or just the free campaign markers. 27.4 They affect only free campaign marker pick. 11. Can you stay embarked after combat? Related to above, French just got Bermuda and now are ready to roll with multiple forced marches. Rules state you "may" disembark and move after combat, but do you have to disembark? You can stay embarked. Joseph Miranda - Apr 27, 2004 9:34 am (#160 Total: 226) Per 4.73. Can you attack a vacant square with a minor country force and then advance that force into the square? No. You can move after combat? I missed that. I thought that you could not move at all after you disembark. No. Another clarification: Does "Revolution" effect the leaders as well as the other CM's. I am assuming that they leaders go back into the pile too, but I have this nagging doubt and cannot find anything in the Yes. See the errata. Consider how the French Revolution shook up the command structure and military systems.