From S&T BALKAN WARS (S&T 164) Tables Political Events Table: In Event 26, eliminated Depots and Fortifications are not placed in the Mobilization Pool. Combat Results Table: "Artillery Superiority" should read: Attacker Bombardment strength minus Defender Bombardment Strength. Rally Procedure (p.40): A die roll of 1 always rallies a unit. Unit Identifications (p.47): Bulgarian, Greek and Montenegran "R" units are Reserve. Rules 3.2 Automatic Replacements: These are received even if the friendly side is not scheduled to Mobilize that turn. Perform a special Mobilization Segment for Great Power units returning to play. 4.2 (bullet #2) The reference to HQ Mobilization cost is wrong. The Mobilization Costs chart on p.40 is correct. 6.1 (bullet #4) should begin: "A Depot, Mobile Supply unit, or special hex..." 6.1 (bullet#8) Fortifications are always in supply (bullet#2), so they may always use their Bombardment Values to determine Artillery Superiority (6.3). 6.3 (bullet #4) The defender's strength total includes any artillery units and Fortification unit present in the defending hex. 6.3 (bullet #7) Odds of less than 1/3 are treated as 1/3. 9.1 (bullet #5) This is an exception to the normal ZOC rule (8), which states that enemy ZOCs are always effective even in friendly-occupied hexes. 9.4 (bullet#2) HQs are not affected by any combat results unless they are attacking or defending in one of the hexes involved in combat. 10.0 (addition) The effects of Demoralization are listed in a chart on p.40. 10.1 (bullet #1) Entrenchments count for -2 shifts, as noted on the CRT. These field works approached the level of trench lines seen in WW1. 10.1 (bullet#2) Demoralized HQs have their printed Command and Staff ratings reduced by one, but never below zero. Scenarios Great Power and Neutral units not set up on the map are set to one side. All other units not set up on the map begin in the friendly Mobilization Pool. Scenario 1: All Reserve units (those with an "R" in the top right corner) begin in the Mobilization Pool. The Bulgarian "3rd Logistic Unit should read "one Mobile Supply unit." The "Special Rules section should begin Beginners: Ignore special rules 4-6. Place 7th and 8th Corps units in the Ottoman Mobilization Pool 1. Players may agree to end the game... New Special Rule #6: No Bulgarian units set up at or adjacent to Rustcuk (1622) until (1) any Ottoman unit is inside pre-1912 Bulgaria at the end of a game turn, or (2) Rumania enters the war on the Ottoman side due to a Random Event. Scenario 2: Austro-Hungary begins Neutral, and the Bulgarian player places its units as in Scenario 1. Rumanian units are placed by the Balkan League. To make special rule #2 easier to implement, assume all units are entrenched at the start and record the setup hex of each unit. Any unit that leaves its original hex must be placed under an Entrenchment marker in order to be considered Entrenched. NB submitted by John Kula ( on behalf of the Strategy Gaming Society (, originally collected by Andrew Webber (