From S&T 137 BORODINO: DOOMED VICTORY S&T 136 - ERRATA The units detached from reserve on French I Corps (Davout) to IV Corps (Eugene) are the 1st and 3rd French Line Infantry divisions. These appear as IV-Corps (Italian units, oddly enough with their same (correct) division numbers under the IV Corps OB). First Div sets up at 1918 and Third Div sets up at 1916, as noted in the OB. It's a little subtle but shouldn't be that hard to figure out. Maybe we should've put arrows from the two divisions down to IV Corps. Russian Second Army Reserve Cavalry. "All the King's horses and all the King's men" missed the lack of deployment hex information for these three cav divisions during our QC of the game rules - I could swear I checked every hex number - and I think I would have caught that. Starting hexes for the three Russian Cav units (2nd Army Reserve) omitted in the rules: 2Cuir 3321; Karpov 3130; IVCav 3521 NB submitted by John Kula ( on behalf of the Strategy Gaming Society (, originally collected by Andrew Webber (