From Strategy & Tactics Abensberg & Eckmuhl Q. Are all the brown hexes considered rough terrain, or only those with contour (slash) marks? A. All. Q. When may a player voluntarily change the stacking order of friendly units in a hex? A. At any time during his Movement Phase. However, if they are in enemy ZOC, it costs a "Command" to do so. Q. [11.39] states that a leader's Rally Factor is used as a die-roll modifier in Melee, while the Melee CRT says the leadership factor is used. Which is it? A. The Rally Factor. Note important change: Charles' Rally Factor should be changed to "2". Q. Can Austrian corps commanders who are not within command rangeof their army commander roll for command control? A. Yes, there is no difference between the nationalities in this respect (the reference to "French" (only) in 13.3 is misleading). Q. In Abensberg [15.2/15.3] reinforcements enter singly, in Eckmuhl in pairs [18.32]. Which applies to the Campaign Scenarios? A. In pairs. Q. Which of these Eckmuhl rules, if any, should be used in the Campaign Scenarios? (1) Infantry pursued by cavalry lose 2 Strength Points per hex persued. (2) Charging cavalry may be disrupted. (3) Death of Charles causes loss of Austrain morale? A. Apply all three to the Campaign Scenarios. Also, I recommend applying items (1) and (2) to the Abensberg game. Q. Does enfilade fire apply when there is an intervening hex between the firing units, as an intervening hexside? A. Hex. Q. [11.33] Do players receive the heavy cavalry charge bonus if both heavy and light cavalry charge together? A. Yes. Q. [10.51] Can LOS be traced along a hexside between hexes, one of which is blocking terrain, the other not? A. Yes. Q. [11.1] May victorious units in a melee change stacking order/facing, at the conclusion of the melee? A. No. Q. [11.41) What control over facing/stacking order has a player, when his units suffer a "fall back" result? A. None. Facing and stacking remain unchanged. NB submitted by John Kula ( on behalf of the Strategy Gaming Society (, originally collected by Andrew Webber (