Randy Moorehead - 07:45pm Mar 30, 2000 PST (#131 of 136) http://members.tripod.com/SimulationsWorkshop/index.html Some Q&A's for Rus': 1). When substitutions occur, does the replacing nation's growth marker assume the position on the growth track of the replaced nation or does it reset to zero? We assumed the latter. Yes, it is reset to 0. There is no carry-over. 2). When exactly in the sequence of play are armies removed for "Lure of Byzantium" points? (e.g., before or after growth, before or after movement, before or after combat, etc.). At any time during the group's turn, totally at the player discretion. 3). If the Lithuanians are eliminated from the map before Turn 14, do they still receive the 2 armies as reinforcements on Turn 14, and is the Treaty of Krewo still possible? Does it matter if they have fewer than 3 growth points saved at the time? The second paragraph of Rule 6.3 hints that the units should arrive, but doesn't exactly address the question because it deals with accumulated growth points, not reinforcements. Yes, they still receive the units (placed as per the rules in any VP eligible area). The Union is possible (and desirable so they can get the extra leader). Reinforcements should always be received, regardless of growth points saved or areas controlled. 4). Assuming all the areas are vacant, do the Khanates have to occupy all their starting areas at the beginning of Turn 14 with at least 1 army? The reason I ask is that the Astrakhans are in the Timurids' way. The Kazans don't have enough areas to support their starting armies, so I was wondering whether the Astrakhans (or the Crimeans for that matter) have to occupy 3 areas due to the support rule? Yes, each area must have at least one unit in it - otherwise you don't "control" it. Yes, they will be "in the way" of the Timurids. Support doesn't matter until the end of that group's turn. The Khanates are basically there to provide speedbumps for the Timurids, and give everyone an excuse to whine ;-) 5). If the Pechenegs (Turns 5-6) and Polotsvy (Turn 10) choose to raid, where do they go back "home" to? They return off-map (place them off-map next to Volga). Thanks to John Strand for bringing these up!