Pax Romana Updated Victory Section Errata and Typos 1. (Map) The province label for Germania Inferior was left off the map; we will post a downloadable patch soon for those who wish to print the label. 2. (Map) The naval connection between Pisae in Italy and Aleria in Corsica was left off the map. 3. (Charts) Major Powers Income and Manpower Table, Greece section: Change cost of Heavy Infantry from 1T to 2T. The Unit Chart is correct. 4. (Rules) As noted previously, Section 15 has been replaced entirely - download available from link above. 5. (Rules and Playbook) All references to "May Be Held" cards should say "Hold In Hand" instead. The cards themselves are correct. 6. (Charts) On the GOP/CivPoints/VictoryPoints chart, delete the parenthetical instruction "Raise Stability Level by 1" beside the "7 VP" item.