Elias Nordling - Aug 19, 2005 9:51 am (#4750 Total: 4762) "Elias is God's gift to developers/designers . . . exactly which god we're not sure." RHB Got mine the other day. Am preparing to play Carolina Rebels. I have one rules question: In the rules for Shock, a player rolls to see if his troops get to reaction fire at the shocking troops. The term reaction fire is also used for firing when enemy troops enter your ZOC, but no mention of the shock reaction fire is made here. So, my question is, can a unit that has reaction fired due to enemy units entering the ZOC still reaction fire again against enemy units shocking them, or is shock reaction fire included in the "once per activation only"? Richard H. Berg - Aug 19, 2005 10:58 am (#4751 Total: 4762) "I'll try to be nicer, if you try to be smarter" Elias . . . hmmmm, just noticed that. Funny it didnm't come up before. Let's make it interesting. When an enemy uniut moves into one of your ZOC the latter has a choice, either (a) use Reaction Fire to the unit entering the ZOC when that happens or (b) wait to see if it is going to Shock, and then use Defender Shock Reaction. Not sure if this doesn't need a bit of tinkering, but I'll check it out later . . . Michael Dye - Aug 19, 2005 11:40 pm (#4752 Total: 4762) My Grandson, Austin Michael Marsh, 1st birthday Received Carolina Rebels today. In looking over the rules I see they say that units in open formation may not use shock attack. However, the Formation Effects Chart says that units in open formation may use shock attack with a -1 DRM to the defender. I'm assuming the chart is correct, but want to check and make sure. Elias Nordling - Aug 20, 2005 3:39 am (#4753 Total: 4762) "Elias is God's gift to developers/designers . . . exactly which god we're not sure." RHB >Not sure if this doesn't need a bit of tinkering, but I'll check it out later . . . The potential problem with this that I see is that it makes the Rebel militia runaway a no-brainer, as they would get to fire once for certain, so why gamble on the shock reaction table? Richard H. Berg - Aug 20, 2005 5:46 am (#4754 Total: 4762) "I'll try to be nicer, if you try to be smarter" >"In looking over the rules I see they say that units in open formation may not use shock attack. However, the Formation Effects Chart says that units in open formation may use shock attack with a -1 DRM to the defender. I'm assuming the chart is correct, but want to check and make sure." The chart is correct . . . the rules should say that units in Open Formation can shock but at reduced effect. >"I see is that it makes the Rebel militia runaway a no-brainer..." Well, that's pretty much what they did do every time (wekll, almost every time). However, I've thought about this and decided on an expanded rule for Reaction Fire . . . There are 3 typeds of Reaction Fire: Reaction to Fire, Reaction to Movement, Reaction to attrampted Shock. The first is obvious and stays the same . . . The next two are an eithe/or situation. A unit may use Reaction Fire when an enemy unit enters its ZOC/frontal hexes, using the rules as written . . .. but if it does so on such movement, -1 to FireDRM Or it can wait and use Shock Reactioin Fire, after the moving unit has annoucned its attention to Shock. In this case, it must go thru the Shock Reaciton dieroll mechanic, but gets a +1 to its Fire. Hope that covers everything . . . . Again, either/or . . . and it should add a bit of decision-making fun to the process. Wonder why i didn't think of that originally . . . that's why these games are living,. breathing creatures. RHB Elias Nordling - Aug 22, 2005 4:45 am (#4756 Total: 4762) "Elias is God's gift to developers/designers . . . exactly which god we're not sure." RHB In the Cowpens scenario of Carolina Rebels, do the skirmishers get the benefit of the special militia retreat rule too? Elias Nordling - Aug 22, 2005 5:12 am (#4757 Total: 4762) "Elias is God's gift to developers/designers . . . exactly which god we're not sure." RHB Hmm. It seems to me the historical Rebel tactic at Cowpens is kind of pointless in the game. The sucessive lines of defense can do nothing better than disrupt the attackers (and if they are charging cavalry, they are disrupted no matter what, so there isn't even any point of firing!), which is fast and easy to recover in the game. Richard H. Berg - Aug 22, 2005 8:06 am (#4759 Total: 4762) "I'll try to be nicer, if you try to be smarter" >"...do the skirmishers get the benefit of the special militia retreat rule too?" Yes . . . as a gnereal rule. However, here, perhaps, we can put in one of those Battle Specific rules that reflect pre-battle orders. For the Skirmishers, if they choose to Flee, instead of being Elikinated, they are, instead, Disrodered, and placed within 2 hexes of Morgan. That pretty much covers what happened . . . >"The sucessive lines of defense can do nothing better than disrupt the attackers" That was the intent of the first two lines . . . it was Morgan's regulars and then Washington's cavalry that broke the Brits. RHB Elias Nordling - Aug 22, 2005 3:41 pm (#4760 Total: 4762) Elias is God's gift to developers/designers . . . exactly which god we're not sure." RHB >That was the intent of the first two lines . . . it was Morgan's regulars and then Washington's cavalry that broke the Brits. I'm with you so far. But the cavalry will disorder itself no matter what if it charges, so there's really no need to go through the combat process. And if you get to continue, you can then immediately undo the disorder and thus the work of the two first lines in a single activation. This makes the work of the first two lines more or less fruitless. Richard H. Berg - Aug 23, 2005 10:12 am (#4761 Total: 4762) "I'll try to be nicer, if you try to be smarter" CAROLINA REBELS CHANGES REACTION FIRE: There are 3 types of Reaction Fire: Reaction to Fire, Reaction to Movement, Reaction to attempted Shock. The first is obvious and stays the same . . . The next two are an either/or situation. A unit may use Reaction Fire when an enemy unit enters its ZOC/frontal hexes, using the rules as written . . .. but if it does so on such movement, -1 to Fire DRM Or it can wait and use Shock Reaction Fire, after the moving unit has annoucned its attention to Shock. In this case, it must go thru the Shock Reaciton dieroll mechanic, but gets a +1 to its Fire. # ****** SECOND DISORDER RESULTS: If a Disordered unit incurs a second Disorder result from Fire it remains Disordered but must immediately Retire to Reform; see below. .... Retire to Reform: Units forced to Retire to Reform are, at the instant this result occurs, picked up and placed in, or within 2 hexes of, their army’s Retire Hex (see the scenario for this). The unit is in Retired status. To have retired status removed, that command must be activated, upon which Retired status from all units in that command is removed, but the units (which are now simply Disordered) can do no more that activation. Retire Hexes: Cowpens: Continentals: 1509; Brits: 4709 Hobkirk: Continentals: 1120; Brits: 3208 # ***** FOR COWPENS: If Continental Militia Skirmishers choose to Flee, instead of being Eliminated, they are, instead, Disordered, and placed within 2 hexes of Morgan. RHB