peter schutze - 05:27pm Mar 29, 2001 PST (#6 of 8) Paul and I have just finished resolving a whole set of questions. They wil be incorporated into a revised rulebook to be posted on my website in the next few days. Here they are (answers are in CAPITALS): 1)When Supply Status changes, do the ill-effect of the lower supply status occurs immediately, or the effect is applied next turn? APPLY IMMEDIATELY. 2)If the effect occurs immediately, not yet drawn second chit becomes no-effect ? YES, IF THIS MEANS THAT THE US SUPPLY STATE MOVES INTO "FAILING" THEN NO MORE US UNITS CAN HAVE A SECOND ACTIVATION 3)No rules are given for Yellow-Supply Status (Supply point 51-65). My assumption : Reduced Supply for U.S. and Japanese AFTER first refit, Normal Supply for Japanese before first refit THE DESIGNER AND I BOTH THOUGHT THE COMMENTS TO THE LEFT OF THE TRACK WERE FAIRLY CLEAR. US ALWAYS REDUCED SUPPLY. JAPANESE, ONLY REDUCED SUPPLY AFTER THE FIRST REFIT TURN. 4)Fractions for halved attack factor across river, either up or down? FRACTIONS ARE ROUNDED DOWN AFTER ALL CALCULATIONS ARE COMPLETED BUT ROUNDING VAN NOT REDUCE THE COMBAT VALUE BELOW 1. 5)If Disrupted unit suffer another Disrupt result, is there any additional effect? NO 6)When does 3rd activation occur? After A formation's 2nd action finished? AS PER THE NOTE FOR STEP 4 IN THE S.O.P - THE 3RD ACTIVATION OCCURS IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE FORMATION COMPLETES ITS SECOND ACTIVATION 7)Since 3rd activation is done unit-by-unit basis, multiple unit combat could not be made during 3rd activation? THE ELIGIBILITY FOR A 3RD ACTIVATION IS DETERMINED FOR EACH ACTIVATED UNIT, THEN ALL ELIGIBLE UNITS TAKE THEIR ACTIONS, THUS SEVERAL UNITS IN A FORMATION COULD BE ELIGIBLE AND COMBINE IN AN ATTACK. 8)In Normal supply status, can a formation with single chit in the pool make 2nd or 3rd activation? (In Reduced Supply, a formation with single chit CAN make 2nd activation thru ER. Rule seems to prohibit 2nd activation for the formation with one chit thru ER. Mmmmm.... It seems strange to me.) IN NORMAL STATUS, A FORMATION GETS ONE ACTIVATION WHEN THE FIRST CHIT IS DRAWN AND A SECOND (AND INDIVIDUAL UNITS ARE ELIGIBLE FOR THE THIRD) WHEN THE SECOND CHIT IS DRAWN. IN REDUCED STATUS, THE FORMATION GETS ONE ACTIVATION WHEN THE FIRST CHIT IS DRAWN AND UNITS MUST INDIVIDUALLY PASS THEIR ER ROLL TO PARTICIPATE IN THE SECOND ACTIVATION WHEN THE SECOND CHIT IS DRAWN. 9)Can the independent unit make 3rd activation? If yes, how? IF THEY WERE PART OF A FORMATION'S SECOND ACTIVATION THEY ROLL FOR THEIR THIRD ACTIVATION WHEN THAT FORMATION FINISHES ITS SECOND ACTIVATION. THEY ARE PART OF THAT FORMATION FOR THE SECOND AND THIRD ACTIVATION. 10)When Tank vs. Tank situation occurs, tank will be destroyed on DR of 4-6. If one vs. many, tanks with many-side also destroyed 4-6? Or only one tank of many-side will be destroyed on 4-6 and others on 5-6? ALL TANKS INVOLVED MUST BE ROLLED FOR. THEY ALL ROLL AT 4-6 (5-6, +1 ON THE DIE ROLL). THE DESIGNERS NOTES ALSO WARN OF THE BAD TANK TERRAIN REPRESENTED IN THE GAME 11) Can multiple tanks deployed in Clear terrain attack Jungle hex? FOR THE ATTACK, YES. IN ANY "ADVANCE AFTER COMBAT", NORMAL STACKING RESTRICTIONS (FOR JUNGLE) WILL APPLY. 12)ER of HQ unit with other units can be used in combat? IF IT IS PART OF THE COMBAT THEN YES 13)Can HQ unit attack with its subordinate units? YES. SINCE IT HAS NO ATTACK FACTOR, THE ER IS ITS ONLY CONTRIBUTION 14)Can U.S. HQ unit return when refit is done? (Rule says U.S. cannot return eliminated unit.) NO OTHERWISE THERE WOULD BE A SPECIFIC NOTE LIKE IN 8.22 FOR JAPANESE HQ 15)Refit attempt is made to restore reduced unit to its full strength, can the failed ER unit move in the reduced activation phase? ER SUCCESSES OR FAILURES HAVE NO EFFECT OUTSIDE THE SPECIFIC SITUATION THEY WERE ROLLED FOR, THEREFORE FAILURE DURING REFIT HAS NO EFFECT ON THE REDUCED ACTIVATION PHASE 16)Can friendly unit nullify the effect of enemy ZOC in combat situation ? case 1: Can the unit retreat thru hex in enemy ZOC which contains friendly units ? YES case 2: Can the friendly unit cancel the effect of "surround" rule? NO 17)Does Air unit require Supply point to bombard or tactical support? NO. ALL SUPPLY EFFECTS ARE LISTED IN 3.3 18)What is the definition of "weakest unit" in CRT exchange result? In Regiment + HQ stack, HQ unit will be reduced, i.e. elimination? THE WEAKEST UNIT IS THE ONE WITH THE LOWEST COMBAT VALUE (DEFENCE IN THIS CASE, IF 2 NUMBERS ARE LISTED) THUS A HQ WOULD NORMALLY BE WEAKER THAN A REGIMENT 19)In exchange result, how to calculate "equal value"? ATTACKER USES ATTACK VALUE, DEFENDER USES DEFENSE VALUE (IF 2 NUMBERS LISTED) 20)Can Philippine Scout stack with any unit? Since it is Regiment, it can not stack with any (other formation's) regiment sized unit Since it is independent unit, it can not stack tanks. THE LIMIT IS 1 OR 2 REGIMENTS (DEPENDING ON THE TERRAIN) FROM THE ONE FORMATION PLUS A BATTALION. THE PHILIPPINE SCOUTS ARE A FORMATION ON THEIR OWN. THE TANKS ARE EACH CONSIDERED A 1/4 BATTALION SO THE SCOUTS COULD STACK WITH 4 TANKS IN CLEAR TERRAIN 21)In Clear hex, is the following stack possible?. A regiment + HQ of the same formation (as a substitution of another regiment) + tanks(up to 4) YES. THE HQ COULD BE USED INSTEAD OF A SECOND REGIMENT. THE 4 TANKS MAKE UP THE ADDITIONAL BATTALION 22)How much is the Command range of each HQ? 8 UNLESS THE HQ IS DISRUPTED, WHEN IT BECOMES 1 23)When checking the "in command" status for the Army HQ, can a unit be "in command" which is outside of Army HQ's command range but in the command range of Division HQ which is in the Army HQ's command range. In other words, can the "command chain" be considered effective? SEE THE DEFINITION OF SUBORDINATE UNITS IN RULE (1.0). A UNIT CAN BE PLACED IN COMMAND BY ITS OWN DIVISIONAL HQ OR A SUPERIOR (CORPS FOR THE US OR ARMY FOR THE JAPANESE) HQ. DIVISIONAL HQ'S ARE PLACED IN COMMAND BY THE SUPERIOR HQ (). 24)Japanese have to activate a unit in Olongapo or off-map to conduct amphibious assault. And the chit must be 14th Army. This means 14th Army HQ must be near enough to make amphib-assault to make the unit in command? Then, how to check whether the off-map is in command or not? AMPHIB ASSAULT UNITS, COMING FROM OFF-MAP ARE ASSUMED TO BE IN COMMAND BY THE ARMY HQ. THOSE IN THE PORT MUST BE WITHIN COMMAND RANGE OF THE ARMY HQ. ALL ASSAULTING UNITS MUST TRACE COMMAND AND SUPPLY NORMALLY IN SUBSEQUENT TURNS. 25)When calculating victory point, an eliminated tank unit count as 1VP? YES. 26)When the supply status becomes Failing or Collapse, does already entrenched unit lose its entrench status? NO, BUT UNITS MAY NOT ENTRENCH ANYMORE. 27)Please explain the relation between "shots" and range of Corregidor battery. THEY CAN BE USED TO PROVIDE BOMBARDMENT SUPPORT (5.5) OR TACTICAL SUPPORT (7.1). THE MAXIMUM NUMBER OF SHOTS AVAILABLE IS DETERMINED BY THE LONGEST RANGE ANY SHOT IS FIRED AT. Thanks go to Mr Keisuke Oda for finding most of these questions.