From The General 16/2 BISMARCK 5.28 In the basic game, if the Bismarck breaks out with a move of 3 or less could the Prinz Eugen still move 4 or 5 at no fuel cost? A. Yes. 7.23 If German ships have passed through a zone must their general type and number be revealed? A. Yes. 9.64 In determining the shots that can he fired, are the salvoes available first assigned to a target and then halved? Or are the salvoes available halved and then the shots divided among the targets? A. The salvoes are assigned and then halved. 9.716'1f a ship is firing directly into a ship's bow or stern.' By 'directly', do you mean a firing ship is firing directly at a bow or stern if it is only in the hex directly in front of the bow or behind the stem? Or do You mean a ship is firing directly at the bow or stern if it is anywhere in the bow or stem sectors as defined in 9.67? A. Directly in front of the bow or behind the stern as indicated by the shaded hexes in the diagram in 9.716. 9.717 If a ship with a 0 in a secondary hit box receives a secondary hit on that side, must the box be crossed out before any secondary hits are treated as midships hits? A. Yes. Q. Is K22 considered a coast hex? A. Yes. 23.21 Can destroyers refuel as per 17.0 A. No. Q. Is combat allowed when the visibility is X? A. No. 35.0 Ferrol Table - Is the Spanish reaction to the British Raid Table triggered by a British attack against German ships in port? A. Yes. Q. Are evasion losses due to torpedo damage permanent or repairable? A. Repairable in port only. Q. May ships in Ferrol refuel? Replenish ammunition? A. Yes. In case of Ammo, yes for die roll 2. No for die roll 3-5 on Ferrol table. 29.3 Is air loss determined before or after penetration? A. After air penetration. Battle Board Procedarm. Q. Can ships move through hexes containing other friendly ships? A. No. Q. Can a ship make a direction change before moving into another hex? A. Yea. Q. Can a ship, more than six Itexes away from all enemy ships, but not designated as a withdrawing ship, withdraw immediately anyway? A. No. Q. Does a ship with one gun box left get one shot, or is it rounded down to none? Is a ship with one gun box that is halved then halved again unable to fire, or does it still get one shot? A. Ships always get one shot (if they have at least one gun box left). Q. If the Prince of Wales, King George V, or the Tirpitz are firing only one section of their guns (bow or stern), do they have to throw to see if one section jams, or can they automatically jam the non-firing section? A. They still must roll dice to determine which section jams. If it is the non-firing section, luck is on your side. Q. Does a ship with 0 listed for secondary armament take one secondary hit? A. Yes. Q. Can ships torpedoes be fired through hexes occupied by other ships (friendly and enemy)? A. Yes. Q. Does fog affect shadowing? A. No. Q. Can German ships attack convoys when the visibility is X? A. No. Q. When using additional German ships or French ships under German control with the Basic Game rules, does the British Player have to throw on the Chance Table for each German/French ship in the game? Can each ship attack convoys as a result of the chart? A. Yes to both questions. Of course, German ships in task force only have to abide by the first chance roll for any ship in each task force. Q. When is the Spanish Reaction To British Raid Table used? A. if German ships have entered Ferrol and are then attacked by British planes there. Q. Which column on the Chance Table would a ship in O17 use (A, B or C?). A ship in O18? A. 017 - Column A, 018 - Column C. Q. Are the evasion rating modifiers on the Ship Combat Torpedo Table correct? Are these used per Intermediate rule 19.5? What kind of damage do these hits cause? A. The modifiers are correct. Omitted: A ship which evades gets a -1 to the die. Damage is rolled on the Torpedo Damage Table. Q. Is the listing of a modifier for visibility level 7 on the Air Loss Table a mistake, since planes cannot fly when the visibility is 7 or worse? A. They cannot take off in visibility 7 or worse. They can fly into and attack in a zone in visibility 7 or worse. Q. Can British ships move into German ports? A. No. Q. Can German ships move into British ports? A. No. Q. Can British air units attack German ships in port? A. Yes. Q. Can German air units attack British ships in port? A. No, unless the Intermediate Port rule (37.0) is used. Q. Does the intermediate Game end when the Bismarck enters a port? A. No. Q. Why is the Scheer (PB) symbol on the back of the counter smaller than the Prince Eugen's symbol (CA)? A. Because the Scheer was a small ship whose sillhouette was not as similar to a battleship as as the Prince Eugen's. Q. Can a ship repairing at sea repair the same section in more than one turn as long as it doesn't throw an Unsuccessful attempt, until it has only one damaged box left? A. Yes. Q. The Suffolk and Norfolk shadowed the Bismarck in history, yet in the game they can only do so by risking an attack by the Bismarck and Prince Eugen, because the evasion rating of the Eugen enables it to engage the two British cruisers, which means the Bismarck can also engage if in a task force with the Eugen. Is there any way to avoid this situation? A. The Bismarck and Eugen must be able to locate these ships by search in order to attack them. Once on the board the cruisers can outrace the Bismarck and need deal only with the Prince Eugen. Q. Does the French CT Flotilla function the same as a destroyer flotilla? A. Yes Bismark errata Rules Manual For all Rectangular Ship Counters: The stern of the ship is always next to its name. The bow of the ship is always next to its evasion rating. 8.18 Last sentence - Change the word 'decreased' to 'increased'. 9.222 add to the next to last sentence: 'When a task force is attacking, its current evasion level is that of the fastest ship (excluding aircraft carriers)'. Major Change: No ship, convoy or air combat can occur in visibility level X. Ignore any and all rules to the contrary. 17.3 first sentence - change 'Z20' to read 'Z10'. Add 19.7 The effect of each hit is resolved on the Torpedo Damage Table. 23.53 Change the first sentence to read '...the British player rolls two dice...' 27.52 Change the first sentence to read 'Land-based bomber and carrier-based bomber attacks, land-based bomber air units from different home bases or carrier-based air attacks from different carriers not in the same task force can never be combined. Only bomber air units from the carrier or carriers in the task force can combine their strength in attack.' Add - '40.7 Ships in port may repair two evasion factors per turn.' 41.5 delete last sentence beginning with 'If a shadowing ship...' 55.11 change '(p.34)' to '(p.35)' 58.5 delete word 'light' p.28 The ammo for Prinz Eugen and Bismarck must be switched. p.31 Delete the specifications for Exeter on page 31. The correct specifications are on page 33. Terrain Effects Chart. 3. Coast Zone - Change last sentence to read 'German ships cannot enter a port zone in Great Britain'. IMPORTANT - British and German Player Aid Cards - The signs of the modifiers in the Visibility Track must be reversed e.g., -1 in the level 1 box must be changed to +1; the +2 in the Level X box must be changed to -2, etc. Intermediate Tables Card, Phase 3 Intermediate Shadow Table - Change 'Br LR Recon' under column B to read 'BR Air Recon'. Add 'All Ger Ships - Z' to column C. Intermediate Tables Card, Phase 9 Ship Combat Torpedo Table - Add to 'Modifications to Colored Die' - 'Ship Conducting Evasion: -1 to colored die'. Basic Game Tables Card, Shadow Table Modifications to Die Roll - delete Level 0 modification. Change Level 1 modification from 0 to -1. IMPORTANT ADDITION '9.57 On the battle board, a ship can move only into the hex that its bow points'. Although this is already inferred in the rules, it is not exactly spelled out. Add 9.57 In addition to the movement possibilities permitted to ships at an evasion level of 30 or greater, allow all cruisers (heavy and light) with such an evasion level an additional move for a total of three hexes straight ahead as long as they make no turns. NB submitted by John Kula ( on behalf of the Strategy Gaming Society (, originally collected by Andrew Webber (