Auerstaedt Errata 10/28/84 Countersheet Notes: The typeface used for Prussian units may be misinterpreted as reading a three (3) rather than the intended five (5). Prussian foot artillery, therefore, have a movement rate of '5', as does the Queen and all Prussian Musketeer Regiments. The Blucher Hussars have a movement rate of '15'. Terrain Notes For all intents and purposes, the depression bordering the south of Hassenhausen Is a road. Treat these hexes as gully hexes for Fire Combat purposes (see Para. 20c, fig. #3). If such a line of sight does exists then the fire defense of the hex will be the same as a fire attack upon clear terrain. Units that may not cross a sunken road hexaside do not exert a zone of Influence across these same hexsides. The only exception to this will be cavalry deployed as Tirailleurs a Cheval (because they may give fire go this formation they do exert influence upon the said hexes). Artillery may not, however, give fire across these hexstdes if the artillery's intent were that the effects of this fire should be received by units in the gully. Artillery, therefore, does not exert a zone of influence Into these hexes (the banks of the sunken road were as much as nine feet In depth and the guns of the day could not depress the angle of their fire to such a degree.) Units in all wall hex are considered on that side of the wall which favors them most in any given situation unless: A Fire Attack which flanks the wall will be considered a flank shot upon the unit if the unit is deployed In line. If this unit were in column this attack will be the same as one upon clear terrain. Use this as a guide for resolving Melee and its effects also. Units may not adopt a line formation which crosses a sunken road hexside. Artillery may cross the bridge at Rehehausen. Any hex with a tree is a woods hex. Order of Appearance The Prussian 36th Musketeers Regiment enters with the Prince of Orange at 9:00 am. This unit is already accounted for in the Morale Level for the Orange Division. There are four Grenadier battalions that enter with Division von Arnim (check the counter mix for units marked 'AR'). The morale level for this Division should be listed at 10 battalions. Field Marshal, Count von Kalkreuth was somehow misnamed 'General Kathruth'. Fire Effects French Voltigeurs have the same Fire Effectiveness as French Legere. Artillery (limbering) This sentence should read: Leaders add one to the die roll. Time The sequence for the 6:am game turn is as follows: 1. Prussian deployment. 2. French deployment. 3. French movement. 4. Prussian movement. NB submitted by John Kula ( on behalf of the Strategy Gaming Society (, originally collected by Andrew Webber (