From The General ADVANCED SQUAD LEADER A4.151 If a MMC enters a Location expending twice the normal MF in order to conduct an Infantry OVR, is Defensive First Fire versus it emanating from some other Location conducted before or after the SMC enters an Accessible Location? Before or after the Infantry CC attack (if any) is resolved? A. After. Before. A4.63 May a Dashing unit expend an extra MF in the road Location (e.g., to Recover a SW) and still receive Dash benefits if it otherwise qualifies for them? A. A Dashing unit may expend no MF in the road beyond the minimum required to enter it. A18.2 & A25.22 May a Russian 8-0 or 8-1 generated by Leader Creation be exchanged for a Commissar? A. No. C1.6 May an Observer use a radio during the PFPb and then during the MPh be moved by the vehicle he occupies? May this be done if he is Inherent in an OP tank? A. No to both. D9.31 If Infantry using Armored Assault breaks, does it still receive the +1 TEM for the vehicle if the latter remains in the Infantry's Location? If the AFV ends its MPh in Motion? A. Yes. No (but note that Motion status does not apply until the end of the Vehicle MPh). F.10 May an Inherent crew place vehicular smoke grenades into an adjacent Location? May such grenades be WP? if the crew fails such a placement attempt, may it still attempt to fire the vehicle's Smoke Dispenser in the same phase? A. No to all - nor may the crew attempt to place smoke grenades in the phase in which it has attempted (whether successfully or not) to fire its Smoke Dispenser. NB submitted by John Kula ( on behalf of the Strategy Gaming Society (, originally collected by Andrew Webber (