From: Markus Stumptner Errata for issue #60 Anvil-Dragoon Map Sea-- There are no sea hexes represented on the map (actually, there is one: 5502 -- the hex south of Voltri -- is supposed to be a sea hex). The TEC describes one, but shows a partial-sea plain hex. I suggest you draw them in adjacent to the coastal hexes and also enclose the islands in the hexes, as they are playable, too. Plain-- Hexside 2815/2816 should be a plain hexside. It is a saddleback valley enclosed by hills. Mountain-- Hexes 4603 and 4702 should be mountain hexes, with hexside 4603-4702 being a mountain hexside. Roads-- A primary road runs through Antibes (5414), joining Nice (5413) and Cannes (5415). Also, a secondary road crosses hexside 3509/3609. Forest-- There should be a forest feature in hex 5305. Towns-- Mende should be in hex 3226, Romans-sur-Isere in hex 3516, and Ivrea in hex 4300. Counters FABTF/2-- The British 2nd Independent Parachute Brigade should have its back as well as its face white-on-red. Rules 3.4-- The three FABTF units should be placed anywhere on the map south of hexline 3702-3733. Renumbering stikes again! 7.43-- Righting a unit out of Strongpoint Mode costs 2 MFs. Also, it may be done during the combat phase as well as the movement phase. 8.2-- The 36/Butler unit may not enter the game by being placed on a sea hex. In the next-to-last sentence, delete the words "armor or" 9.6-- Units on edge hexes may exit the map from hex 1513 to hex 2700 inclusive. 11.31-- Attacking units may advance into the defender's vacated hex only if allowed into it during Movement. 11.32-- When the example says that neither of the defending units is reduced, it is wrong (I rewrote the rule, but forgot the example). Even though the Germans don't lie in any Allied OZ, they must still comply with the Combat Effect, which means forced marching out of their hexes. The 11/15 has to vacate its strongpoint position by righting itself before it can retreat and is eliminated when it spends its last 2 steps do so. The 242/918 retreats out of its hex through one of three hexsides open to it. Say the hexside has a hill crossing it, the hex retreated into has no terrain features nor Enemy OZs in it, and the unit reverses the direction and reenters its original hex. Having lost 2 steps on its Forced March and maintained its OZ, the 242/918 then forces the two Allied units to be reduced in turn as the example has it. 16.1-- Add a sentence after the first that says, "Isolated units in the same fortress are reduced as if they all occupy the same hex, even when they do not (see section 5.33)."