1863 ERRATA by John Charbonneau The following are additional 1863 changes and clarifications which Richard Berg has submitted to GMT. See last months issue of Lines of Communications for other errata. [8.0/ADVANCED GAME] Major Change: Combat units are NOT restricted to one of the three listed types of combat action; units from a command may undertake different types of combat within an action. One may Fire, one may Fire and Melee, etc etc. [8.32] Clarification: Stacked units may attack/screen different, separate hexes. [10.22] Reference should be to 10.14. SCENARIO ERRATA MINE RUN: [13.4] Addition: The Union Player, at the beginning of the 0900 turn, must decide which entry hexes V and I Corps will enter ('3' or '4') by writing them down. MINE RUN: [13.54] Correction: [A] Those units have to be WEST, not East of the run. NB submitted by John Kula (kula@telus.net) on behalf of the Strategy Gaming Society (http://www.boardgamegeek.com/~sgs), originally collected by Andrew Webber (gbm@wwwebbers.com)