From: Ted Raicer Subject: WoT ERRATA The following is errata from Ty Bomba. 9.17 Column Movement (Add to the end of this section): Exception: During both player turn couplets of Game Turn 3 the column movement rate for all units of the US 101st Airborne Division (only) is tripled, rather than just doubled, the normal road rate. Design Note: This rule should have been in the original rule book, but was left out by mistake. Apologies. Why just the 101st? For reasons unknown, the trucks of the101st, unlike the 82nd, did not turn off their headlights on reaching the battlefield (trucks were allowed to use their lights in rear areas, but were supposed to damp them on reaching an operational area). The result was that the 101st moved 50% faster than the 82nd (which also helps explain why it was the 101st and not the 82nd that reached Bastogne).