+++ = CHANGES SINCE SUBMISSION TO DG 28 DE 92 -------- CLARIFICATIONS by Keith Schlesinger WHITE EAGLE EASTWARD (S&T 156) Q: Do mountain units have any special capabilities? (1.3) A: Not in the standard rules, but you could have mountain units pay one point less to enter rough terrain (marsh, forest, mountain) and gain an additional CRT column shift left when defending and right when attacking +++into rough terrain. Only the Polish R Inf and 21 Mtn units are true mountain units. The others listed on the initial setup on page 7 of the rules belong with the other regular infantry. Q: Where does the dividing line between north and south fall for unit setup? (2.0) A: All hexes with the first two digits from the right ending in the number "18" or higher are considered to be in the south. All hexes ending in the number "17 or lower are considered to be in the north. Example: Brest (2217) is in the north, but hex 2218 is in the south. Place 12 Polish units (each with a combat strength of 2 or greater) in the south, and another 12 units in the north. The Russian units with a yellow band are placed in the north, and those with a white band are placed in the south. Remember that all Polish units must be west of the printed "Setup line" running north and south on the map, and all Russian units must be east of the same Setup line. Q: How many Supply Units does the Polish side begin the game with? (2.1) A: TWO (2) Supply Units, which are placed singly or together on any Polish supply city. Q: How does "the weather turning bad" end the game? (3.0) A: The game ends on turn 36 in late October because the rain and mud season set in and bring military activities to a virtual halt. Bad weather limits the length of the game. Q: Is "Impetus" mentioned on the map the same as "Initiative" mentioned in the rules? (5.0) A: Yes. Q: What territory is considered prohibited in the game? (6.2) A: Czechoslovakia and Latvia can never be entered by either side for any reason. East Prussia and Danzig may not be entered unless the optional "Workers of the World, Unite!" special event is in effect. Lithuania may be entered according to the terms of the "Lithuania" special event. Q: Can a unit use Rail Movement along any stretch of railroad, even if it is "cut off" from the friendly homeland by enemy units? (7.0) A: No. Rail Movement can only occur along rail hexes, each of which can trace a "rail line" back to a supply city (or alternatively off the eastern mapedge for Russian units). See rule 8.3 for details. Q: Can a unit that begins its movement adjacent to any enemy units use Rail Movement? (7.1) A: Yes, if the unit is an Armored Train or is in the same hex as an Armored Train. (The unit does NOT have to remain stacked with the Armored Train in order to move, and the Train can remain where it is if the other unit decides to exit the hex.) If these conditions do not fit the situation, then the unit cannot use Rail Movement this turn. +++Q: How do an Armored Train and a unit using Rail Movment move together as a stack? (7.1) +++A: They can begin a friendly Movement or Exploitation Phase in the same hex, or a unit can be "picked up" during the course of movement (so long as the picked-up unit has not yet moved during the phase). Any unit in a stack can be "dropped off" at any time. Be sure to drop off any unit that lacks the movement points to enter any more rail hexes. Q: Do units without a division symbol (XX) ever count toward stacking? (8.1) A: No. This includes Armored Trains, aircraft, supply units, Leaders, and units with a brigades symbol (X). +++There are no "tank companies," but there are tank brigades. +++Q: Can reinforcements be overstacked at the end of an Initiative & Reinforcement Phase? (8.2) +++A: Yes. This is the only exception to the overstacking rule. +++Q: On an "Encirclement" combat result, are the defenders eliminated even if friendly units occupy any of the six surrounding hexes? +++A: No. The presence of units friendly to the defender prevents encirclement. Treat an "E" result as a Rout in this case. Q: On a "Rout" combat result, does the defender have to retreat if the attacker's Initiative is currently zero? (9.4) A: The defender must always retreat a minimum of one hex. +++Q: After the "Routed" defender retreats, can the attacker advance after combat? (9.4) +++A: No, but don't forget about moving in the upcoming Exploitation Phase! Q: Are charging artillery units exempt like leaders and Armored Trains from the requirement that they be flipped over (or eliminated if already reduced) when they receive a "D" result on the CRT? (10.3) A: NO. Charging artillery is assumed to have been wheeled up to the front lines, and must take its lumps. Q: What happens to Leaders in combat when there is no Encirclement (E) result? (11.2) A: A leader retreats along with any units suffering a Rout (R) result, or by itself if no friendly units survive. In case of a D or S result, the Leader is completely unaffected. Q: Can an Armored Train attack an adjacent enemy unit even if it is located in a non-rail hex? (12.0) A: Yes. Q: Is movement by Armored Trains during the Exploitation Phase limited to the friendly side's Initiative number? (12.1) A: Yes. Armored Trains are treated like any other unit in this respect, except Q: When placing a Supply Unit on a "supply city," should the unit be placed in the hex containing the supply symbol or in the hex containing city terrain? (13.1) A: City terrain. The city names and supply symbols were placed outside the city hexes so that players could more readily locate and identify cities, particularly supply cities, which are almost always covered up by occupying units. Q: How many supply units does each side receive during the game? (13.1) A: During each friendly Initiative & Reinforcement Phase, the friendly ("phasing") player receives ONE (1) Supply Unit. Ignore the reference to the Turn Record Track. Place the Supply Unit in any supply city hex that began the game under friendly control (see 13.2). Q: Can a Supply Unit be used to bring an eliminated unit back into play? (13.3) +++A: No. But you can try the following optional rule: During a friendly Supply Phase, TWO supply units located together in a supply city that began the game as friendly (13.2) OR in a hex on the east mapedge (if the units are Russian) can be expended to return one previously eliminated friendly unit to play. The unit returns on its reduced strength (back) side, or on its front side if it does not have reduced values on the back. Q: Can Supply Units retreat from combat if present in a hex that receives a Rout result on the CRT? (13.4) A: NO. That means that Supply Units are likely to be "left behind" and destroyed if they get too close to the action! Q: When is a friendly supply city no longer eligible to receive supplies and reinforcements? (14.2) A: When it is controlled by the enemy (1.2) or every adjacent hex is enemy-occupied. Q: Can an air unit move with or be adjacent to any size or type of friendly unit or stack? (15.2) A: No. The stack must contain at least one division-size (XX) unit. Leaders, Armored Trains, supply units, and brigade-size (X) units do not count. If an Air unit is not adjacent to a division-size friendly unit at the end of any phase, then the air unit is eliminated. Q: How do players end up secretly choosing an "equal number" of special events? (15.4) A: Players should agree on the number of special events each side can select prior to making their secret choices. +++We recommend a maximum of three events per side. Either choose a number or roll one die and divide by two (drop fractions). Q: When the Special Events Table is used over the course of a long game, practically every event listed is likely to occur. Is there some way to control this? (15.4) A: Try this--Before rolling on the Special Events Table, roll a single die. If the result is GREATER THAN the number of Special Events already received +++by both sides during the game, then roll on the Table. If the result is the same or less than the current Event total, do not consult the Table this turn. This rule sets the maximum number of events at six.