From: (John Caraher) Subject: OTR Errata Date: 14 Mar 1994 18:17:12 GMT Here are the official errata for Over the Reich, less the diagram associated with the erratum for 10.5 (however, all it does is correct a fairly trivial printing problem - some arcs that should have been shaded weren't shaded in the rulebook, but the boundaries are clear and I doubt that the error led to any confusion). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Game Rules Rule 3.4 - How Aircraft Move: Half FPs (clarification) - When referencing any chart or play-aid, always consider only the aircraft's listed speed and not any carried half FPs. For example: An aircraft with a speed of 7.5 having a 0.5 FP carry has 8.0 FPs to use in a game turn but its power available, turn and maneuver requirements, and any required proportioning of FPs is still determined based on its speed of 7.5. Rule 3.6 - Level Flight: Inverted Level Flight Restrictions, & Rule 6.6 - Negative-G Pushovers: Negative-G and Non-Fuel Injected Engines (note) - All of the 24 aircraft included in the Over The Reich box have fuel injected engines. These rules are for aircraft that may be added in later expansions which do not have F.I. engines. Rule 4.5 - Stalls and Spins: Stalled Moves (addition) - Stalled flight is considered a steep dive for purposes of determining what aircraft may do after recovering from a stall. Rule 5.1 - Angle of Bank: Banking FPs (clarification) - You may begin banking in one game turn and finish in the next game turn if desired. Simply note any banking FP requirement already met in the Turn Carry line of the aircraft log as you would when carrying a turn. (This also applies to Slip/Skid FP requirements). Note: Banking, Turning, and Slip/Skid FP requirements carried forward must be used at the beginning of the turn they are carried into or they are lost. Banking, Turning and Vertical Climbs and Dives (clarification) -You must declare an angle-of-bank each time banking (with its requisite facing change) is accomplished while in a VC or VD. The declared angle-of-bank can be any, irrespective of the direction of the change of facing. The declared angle may be changed with each facing. If an aircraft does not bank during a VC or VD, it may not declare a new angle-of-bank. The last declared angle-of-bank in effect is what is used to determine the inversion of a bank angle when a VC or VD Facing Reversal is accomplished (see Rule 6.4). Rule 5.3 - Additional Turn Considerations: Carrying Turns Forward (addition) - If an aircraft's speed changes from one game turn to the next such that its Turning FP requirement for the rate-of-turn being carried would be met by the turning already accomplished the previous game turn, it must still expend at least one FP before facing (There are no instant facings allowed in this game). Turning while in an Inverted Bank (clarifications) - To get the inverted turn FP requirement reduction, you must use a steep dive and be in the inverted bank angle by the time you start turning. Mixed moves are allowed. For example, you could begin turning while upright banked (using the normal turn requirement), roll to an inverted bank while turning, and upon completing the first facing change, continue the turn using the inverted bank reduction. The rule-of -thumb is to use the bank angle in effect when each portion of turn is commenced. Note: When reducing the FP requirement on the turn mode chart for being inverted, the 3-2 mode becomes a straight 2, and the 2-1 mode becomes a straight 1. If in level flight, the 2 extra decel penalty for turning while inverted applies if any FP expended to meet the turn requirement is expended with the wings inverted, even if the aircraft rolls to an upright bank before the turn is finished and even if it can bank upright and do a turn with the same FP (the rule-of-thumb is use the bank angle in effect before the FP is expended). Rule 6.1 - Climbing Flight: Climbing while in an Inverted Bank (clarification) - The +1 decel per increment penalty for climbing inverted is only assessed when a VFP is actually expended with the wings inverted or in an inverted bank and only for the increments gained with that VFP. If an aircraft completes banking from an inverted bank to an upright bank with a VFP, the inverted penalty still applies (the rule-of-thumb is to use the bank angle in effect before the VFP is expended). The restriction on entering vertical climbs from a zoom only applies if the aircraft ends a turn of zoom climbing with an inverted or inverted bank attitude. Rule 6.2 - Diving Flight: Steep Dives (addition) - If only one VFP is expended during a steep dive, a minimum of 2 altitude increments must be lost (as per the Play Aid). Rule 6.3 - Changing Between Flight Types: From a Vertical Dive (errata) - The 2d paragraph should read as follows: "With the wings inverted or in an inverted bank, the aircraft may only continue a vertical dive unless the previous turn was the second consecutive turn of vertical diving, in which case the aircraft may push-over (negative-G) into a steep dive (still inverted). If it pushes over inverted, it must expend at FPs 1/2 its speed as VFPs." M Class Fighters: (addition) - An M class fighter with a gifted pilot may use vertical climbs and vertical dives. Rule 6.4 - Reversal of Aircraft Facings: Combined Flight Example (errata): The Fw 190A-8 actually turns to face NW and then reverses to SE (Not NNW and SSE as written). Rule 8.1 - The Initiative Phase: e) Tailing Aircraft (clarification) - The "Tailer" must be in the "Tailee's" rear arc or the two borderlines of the rear arc. An aircraft in the same hex as another, or in the other's right or left rear arcs cannot do tailing. Rule 10.2 - Special Combat Considerations (addition): Friendly Aircraft in Field of Fire: Friendly aircraft do not, in any way, inhibit friendly gunfire. Rule 10.5 - Bomber Defensive Fire: Defensive Gunfire Arcs (errata) - The diagram on page 23 had its light gray arcs washed out. A correct diagram is reproduced on the next page. Rule 11.2 - Special Damage Considerations: Engine Damage (clarification) - Shutting down or feathering an engine is declared at the beginning of a game turn. The die is rolled at that time. The attempt is considered complete at the beginning of the next turn. Fire worsening and explosions are still possible on the turn of shutdown and the decel penalty for a windmilling is still applied during the turn of feathering. Multi-Engine Aircraft Considerations (clarification) - The increase in minimum speeds and the reduction in max attainable level speeds for damaged, shut down or knocked out engines is cumulative with the additions and reduction in speeds caused by being loaded/over-loaded, and for being severely damaged. An easy to refer to table is provided below. 4-Engine Bomber Min / Max Attainable Speed changes Non-loaded Loaded Over-loaded B-17/24 all eng. up +0.0 / -0.0 +0.5 / -0.5 +1.0 / -0.5 B-17/24 1 eng. out +0.5 / -1.0 +1.0 / -1.5 +1.5 / -1.5 B-17/24 2 eng. out* +0.0 / -2.0 +0.5 / -2.5 +1.0 / -2.5 B-17/24 2 eng. SS* +1.0 / -2.0 +1.5 / -2.5 +2.0 / -2.5 B-17/24 3 eng. out +1.0 / -3.0 +1.5 / -3.5 +2.0 / -3.5 B-17/24 4 eng. out +0.0 / -4.0 +0.5 / -4.5 +1.0 / -4.5 If bomber severely damaged, add +0.5 / -1.0 to all values. * SS= 2 engines same side. Max reduction for engines out may not reduce value below aircraft's non-loaded minimum speed in a given altitude band. This chart also takes into account asymmetric thrust minimum speed increases. Example: A loaded B-17F's speed range in the HI band is 3.5 to 5.5. If severely damaged and loaded it's 4.0 to 4.5. With an engine out, severely damaged, and loaded it is 4.5 to 3.5 (obviously a problem because excess speed decel must be applied). In the last case, the B-17 could salvo its bombs returning to a non-loaded, severe damage status with a speed range of 4.0 to 4.0. Rule 13 - Aircraft Loads (addition): Jettison or Release of Loads - At the Tactical or Operational scale of play, tanks, bombs, etc. may be jettisoned or dropped from aircraft by declaring the act at the end of their movement in a game turn. At the Combat scale, the act of jettisoning, firing or dropping stores is declared in the combat phase, after all movement is complete (the aircraft is considered to still have the loads until that time). For aircraft with bomb bays, the bay doors must be open at the start of the game turn in which any stores are released. It takes one turn to fully open the bays and another turn to close them. On any turn in which the bays are being opened, remain open, or are being closed, the aircraft in question incurs 1 decel (like flaps, see chapter 20 note). Rule 15.5 - Operational Scale Movement (addition): The act of taking- off and being placed in an allowable altitude band over its base constitutes a formation's or aircraft's movement for that game turn. Normal movement on the OMT may not begin until the turn after takeoff. Formation join-ups and force assemblies may be done on the turn of take-off. Rule 16.2 - Attacking Ground & Naval Units: Ground Attack Modifiers, Target Type Effects (errata) - 3rd sentence should read: "If it is an armored vehicle, it is a hard-point target." (Bunkers are not hard-point targets). Rule 20.2 - Combat Scale Take-Offs & Landings: Combat Scale Start, Taxi, Take-Off (additions) - Ignore the power penalties for being loaded and over-loaded until actually airborne. When an aircraft becomes airborne, its altitude is set at 0.1 for no decel cost. An aircraft may declare itself airborne when start speed equals or exceeds its adjusted minimum speed but no later than when its start speed is at its adjusted minimum + 1.0 (adjusted for load and flap setting). Flap and Gear Settings (clarification) - Raising and lowering the gear and flaps are distinct and separate actions, each of which takes one game turn to accomplish. The act is declared at the beginning of an aircraft's turn and the act is considered completed by the start of the next turn. The reduced minimum flight and turn speed benefits of lowered flaps may not be utilized an any turn they are being lowered or raised. However, the decel penalties for lowered landing gear and or flaps is incurred even on the turns they are being raised or lowered. For assessing whether lowered flaps are damaged by excess speed check the aircraft's start speed on any turn the flaps are being lowered, are down, or being raised. If the speed is > 1.5 over listed minimum, then the flaps are damaged (listed minimum ignores load and damage status). Gear and Flaps Down Effects (change) - An airborne aircraft with its gear down or in transit incurs decel = to its start speed. An airborne aircraft with its flaps down or in transit incurs 1 decel point in addition to increasing all turn decel by 1. The original penalty of 5 decel etc., is replaced by this new rule. GAME SCENARIOS & PLAY AIDS The P-47s in introductory scenarios "Meat on the Table" and" Rescuing a Straggler" are P-47D-5s and not P-47D-10s. FIGHTING WINGS AIRCRAFT TURN CHART Aircraft Stalls and Spins - Add note that stalled flight equates to steep diving for the turn. FIGHTING WINGS FLIGHT RULES SUMMARY: PAGE 2 Over Loaded A/C Effects Summary - Add 5th bullet: "Reduce maximum level and safe dive speeds by 0.5." Severe Damage Effects Summary - Change 4th bullet to read: "For climbing, treat clean A/C as if loaded and loaded aicraft as if over-loaded. Add 1 per increment to climb decel." Also, add 5th bullet: "Increase minimum level and turn speeds by 0.5 and reduce total available power by 1. Note: Loaded and over loaded penalties are not cumulative, one or the other applies. Severe damage penalties are cumulative with loaded and over loaded penalties. Changing Between Flight Types; From a Vertical Dive - Delete the sentence: "If wings inverted, the A/C may enter a steep dive with wings upright." Changing Between Flight Types; Bombers - The last sentence should read: "M class fighters may use inverted bank attitudes and if having a "gifted" pilot, they may use vertical climbs and vertical dives as well." FIGHTING WINGS A/C CRITICAL HIT TABLES Equipment Criticals Table; die roll 3 result - Change to read: "Hydraulics hit. Landing gear trails down; reduce maximum speeds by 2.0 and incur decel = to current speed per game turn. If fixed gear, then it is only damaged. AIRCRAFT DATA CARDS Bf 109G-10/K-4: The average rate of climb numbers should be (from VL to EH): 4800, 4400, 3800, 3000, 2200, 1400, 800. Thanks to all who helped with finding errata. JDW