Errata for Ironsides: Taken from article to be published in now defunct Schwerpunkt magazine (3W). 1. What is the point of the Irish Campaign? It frees up troops, for use elsewhere, once all Irish settlements are suppressed. 2. There is no Marston Moor scenario, as stated on the box. 3. Royalist fleets are mislabelled as RH, but the colour codes are correct. 4. The parliment track is made up of the 4 boxes labelled 1-4. 5. Parliment cannot send troops to Ireland. 6. The leaders Warwick, Batten & Rainborough are marked with an N, indicating that they are naval commanders only (see 4.5) 7. Command spans apply only to movement. 8. Leaders can move at the speed of cavalry, if stacked with cavalry. 9. Roll seperately for upgrading each strength point. 10. Naval units do not roll for initial loyalty. 11. Units in Ireland can be activated in any turn, not just the interphase turns. 12. Reinforcements and conversions occur simultaneously. 13. You cannot retreat into a neutral town. 14. Artillery is clumped with infantry for the attrition roll. 15. Naval units are built and maintained without regard to strength. 16. Hits on fleets result in counter losses (not SPs) 17. Rout recovery rolls are by counter. 18. Leaders alone do not cause loyalty checks. 19. A new fleet counts as 1 SP, with respect to town building limitations. 20. A unit or stack placed in reserve may not march out of a combat situation. 21. Placing units in reserve lasts one turn. 22. Units using reserve movement may not initiate combat. 23. The siege table modifier incorrectly states that the modifier worsens, as the odds increase in the attackers favour. 24. Ignore the <=SP CRT column. 25. Treat each 'rump' result on the event table as seperate events. 26. 10.2 ignore the term 'Irish forces'. 27. Units in Ireland may be converted. 28. Units can be broken down, in order to convert part of them. 29. Additional Royalist units may be transported to Ireland. 30. 12.52 Note infantry do not pay maintenance, but cavalry and naval units do. 31. 5.1 Rank and Stacking: The tables give the correct values. 32. 3.1 F Fleet maintenance is 3/SP (the tables are incorrect). 33. Town city chart: Buckingham RY 1-5 RH 6-10 Cardiff RY 1-6 RH 7-10 34. Players may both build and maintain Scots, under their own Scottish leaders. 35. If a town or port succubs to siege, naval units are displaced to the sea, or tidal river hexside. 36. Towns or ports, containing only enemy naval units are not subject to rebellion suppression. If the town changes sides, the fleet is displaced as per 35. 37. Forces can combine for combat. 38. A leader attacked on his own, is captured on a roll 1-5, dies on 6-7 and escapes on a roll 8-10. 39. If enemy cavalry flank a force, but then the enemy infantry flee, that player may choose to either continue fighting, or retreat with the infantry. 40. Irish towns or cities do not have intrinsic defenses. 41. When the Irish settle, skip the Irish Rebellion phase in its entirety. 42. Units in Ireland may move both during the Irish Rebellion phase and by normal activation. 43. TEC is incorrect. 1=clear, 2 & 3=same, 4=mountains. 44. A unit or leader may only use 1 activation per phase. 45. Scottish entrance roll occurs in last SIP 1643 (12.4 is incorrect). Clarications. 1. Southwest England has 19 RPs and 3 VPs - the map is wrong, the chart correct. 2. 7.1 Tidal hexes. Agin the rules are right, the map wrong. 3. You do not have to choose the highest ranking leader, as one of your two combat leaders. 4. Command table: roll an RE and you get 2 activations. (The rules are correct). 5. If a truce is rolled on the second player phase, then that turn counts as one of the 6 truce turns. 6. Delete the reference to entrenching in 3.1F3 7. If a siege odds fall below 1:1, as a result of artillery fire, the siege is aborted. 8. 8.3 (4) is incorrect in allowing artillery to be included in a sortie. 8.31 is correct. 9. Unused resource points may be accumulated.