From: Tracy Johnson Subject: RE: Global War (SPI) errata Here, knock yourself out: Bold face items in between asterisks (*) Em-dashes replaced by double dashes (--). GLOBAL WAR ERRATA [as of July, 1975] As a result of post-publication playtesting, the following errata and addenda have been assembled to clarify and correct various errors and ambiguities in the game components. The errata follow in sequence of the *Global War* rules booklet. [5.52] (addition) An Amphibious Assault may not be conducted against any coastal or small island hex that contains an Enemy naval unit other than MS, SS or Amph. [5.57] (change) If the invasion is to be conducted against an occupied hex, the Amphibious units and the Land Strength Points are placed in the invasion hex with the Enemy units (this is an exception to the prohibition upon having opposing Land units in the same hex). The assaulting units must attack *only* the Enemy units in the invaded hex during the following Combat Phase (unless an overrun has taken place) and must eliminate or retreat the Enemy units on the invasion hex, or else the Amphibious units and the invading Land units are returned (intact) to the Friendly port(s) they originated from. [7.14] (addition) Fortifications on a coastal or small island hex must take losses *before* any other type of Land unit in the hex. Thus, if all fortification units in a hex were eliminated, the surviving Land units would be forced to retreat. [7.22] (addition) Fortifications are two-Strength-Point units. They may never be voluntarily broken down. They may be broken down only as a result of combat. [7.36] (change) There may never be more than two Strength Points of fortifications (that is, a single fortification unit) in a hex unless called for by a scenario set up. Tracy's Note: This meant I bought the appropriate Liquid Paper color and a razor sharp black pen and modified most of the fortification counters to (2). [12.24] (addition) Submarines may never be more than twenty hexes away from a Friendly port in a Movement segment. [12.41] (change) Merchant Ship counters are actually markers representing 500 ships "in the pipeline" rather than a specific ship or fleet as with other naval counters. Generally speaking, Merchant Ships may move *only* in the Third Naval Movement and Combat Phase; they may *not* move in the first two Phases. They have a maximum Movement allowance of 75 hexes. As this process actually represents a reallocation of shipping rather than movement *per se*; Merchant Ships are not subject to Transit attacks during the Third Movement and Combat Phase. [12.51] (clarification) Amphibious units when moving during the Naval Movement and Combat Phase function in certain ways like Merchant Ships. They may be attacked from five hexes away and may remain at sea indefinitely. However, they may move during all three Phases, a maximum of 25 hexes per Phase. Note that they may not be used in the role of Merchant Ships. [13.12] (change) Merchant Ships suffer Transit Attacks only when transporting Land Strength Points. [15.0] PROCEDURE (clarification) The instant the first naval unit moves adjacent to a defending unit, the attacking Player must announce his intention to attack or not attack the defending unit in that Phase. The defender then has the option to either stand and fight or to retreat one hex (assuming that the attacking Player has declared to attack) suffering a Transit Attack, if applicable. Once a unit has either been attacked or voluntarily retreated before combat, it may not be attacked again in the same Phase. It is suggested that once a defending unit has been attacked or retreated before combat, that it be inverted as a reminder to Players that it cannot be attacked again that Phase. Combat situations are expressed as a difference between the attacker's total Attack Strength minus the defender's total Defense Strength in the hex under attack. During Transit Attacks, the Defense Strength of the defender may be modified, in the case of submarines, depending upon the mode they are traveling in. [15.15] (addition) Losses are always determined by the defender (set 15.21) for exception). [15.21] (change) Submarines may *never* be attacked during the Naval Movement and Combat Phase; they are subject *only* to Transit and Counter-Attacks. If submarines are present in a hex with other defending naval units (i.e., Surface-A), they do *not* add their Defense Strength to that stack nor may submarines take any losses called for by the Combat Results Table in such a situation. If the other naval units opt to retreat before combat, the submarines do *not* retreat with them. [15.35] (change) ASW units may escort Merchant Ships. This is done by having a Merchant Ship Holding Area within the Zone of Control of the ASW unit. When escorting Merchant Ships, ASW units may be "attacked" by submarines, although they never take losses. The ASW unit adds its Defense Strength to the Merchant Ship Holding Area. However, any losses called for by the Combat Results Table must be taken from the units occupying the Merchant Ship Holding Area. A given ASW unit can escort only one Merchant Ship Holding Area per Phase (*or* defend one hex of naval units -- see 15.45) [15.44] (change) ASW units based on all-Land hexes may be attacked (and caused to suffer losses) only by Enemy ASW units. ASW units based on coastal or small island hexes may be attacked by Surf-A and -B as well as ASW units. In these cases, the ASW units *do* suffer the loss called for by the Combat Results Table. [15.45] (change) In the event that a fleet of Enemy Surface-A and -B units attack a hex that contains Friendly naval units and the hex is in the Zone of Control of a Friendly ASW unit, the ASW unit can add its Defense Strength to the defending hex and can suffer a Depletion result for one of the losses called for on the Naval Combat Results Table (of course, the losses may also be extracted from the ships in the hex under attack). Only one hex can be so defended per Phase (see also 15.35) [15.63] (change) Submarines may never be attacked during the Naval Movement and Combat Phase. They are subject *only* to Counter-Attack and Transit Attacks. If submarines suffer a Transit Attack, all the submarines in the attacked hex are attacked as a unit. [15.73] (change) In a situation where Surface-B units Counter-Attack a hex that is in the Zone of Control or contains ASW units as well as other naval combat units, the entire Defense Strength of that hex including the ASW units, must be attacked. If the defending Player elects to take losses in ASW units, the losses are taken as Depletion results. [15.74] (change) Delete this rule. [16.22] (omission) If the Friendly Port traces to a Supply Center, the fleet in that port may only defend and Counter-Attack; in may not attack and it loses its Zone of Control; Movement Allowance is unaffected. [16.24] (clarification) Axis naval units that are attacked while in port or escorting Merchant Ships during the Third Naval Movement and Combat Phase have the option to decline combat without retreating one hex. In such a case, they can suffer Transit Attacks just as if they had left the hex (or the Merchant Ships in that hex can be attacked). [18.94] (addition) The Game-Turn that the Axis first attacks the US (in the Standard Scenario only) American naval units may *not* retreat before combat. This does not apply if the US automatically enters the war and does not apply to the Axis High Watermark Scenario. [19.83] (addition) Axis Merchant Ships operating solely within the Baltic or Adriatic Seas may *not* be attacked by Allied units, even if within five hexes of the Axis Merchant Ship Holding Area. [20.17] (clarification) The French possession of New Caledonia (hex E1116) and any French *land* units based there, always become Free French when France falls, regardless of the declaration of a Vichy government. French naval units always follow the procedure outlined in 20.13. [22.3] *LAND COMBAT RESULTS TABLE* (addition) Die +0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10 Die Roll Roll 1 - - - - 1 1 2 2 3 4 4 1 2 - - - 1 1 3 3 3 4 4 5 2 3 - - - 1 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 3 4 - - 1 1 2 3 4 4 5 5 6 4 5 - 1 1 2 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 5 6 1 1 2 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 6 (Note that this is simply an extension of the existing CRT.) Differentials higher than "+10" are treated as "+10" [23.1] (clarification) Each nation may start production of only *one* unit of each type on Game-Turn One. [23.2] German Set Up (correction) Hex W3420 should be W3422. *Map Errata:* In Canada, hexes 3001 through 3005 and hexes 2901 through 2905 should be in the Communications Area (not Undeveloped Area). *EXAMPLES OF COMBAT* *#1. [1943] Naval* *Japanese units:* 4 SS, 3 Surf-A, 1 Surf-B in E3822. *US units:* 2 MS, 1 Surf-A, 2 Surf-B in 2624 and 1 ASW in 2222. The Japanese ships indicate an attack on the Merchant Ship Holding Area on 2624. The three US combat ships opt to retreat before combat to 2525. The Japanese Player decides to make a Transit Attack on the US combat ships with his Surf-A rather than have them attack the 2 MS. Only the Surf-A units can make the Transit Attack (12 Strength Points). The Defense Strength of the US ships is 6 plus 2 from the ASW unit on 2222. The Differential is +4. The die roll is 2 ("d1"). One of the Japanese Surf-A becomes Depleted, and the US Player chooses to lose one Surf-B fleet. There can be no Counter-Attack. The two MS on 2624 can now be attacked by the 1 Surf-B plus 4 SS. Since the submarines are attacking with a surface ship, there is not combat adjustment for distance to a Friendly Port. The Differential is 8 minus 0 or +8 (although the ASW is in range, it can be used only once per Phase for defense). A die roll of 6 ("3") eliminates both the Merchant Ships. *#2. [1943] Naval* *German units:* 5 SS on W2919 *CW units:* 1 ASW on 3118; 2 ASW on 3218; 1 Surf-B, 5 MS on 3014; 1 Surf-A, 2 MS on 2612; 3 MS on 2617. The 5 SS move to 2614. Since they moved through the Zone of Control of the 3 ASW, the CW Player decides to make a Transit Attack. The ASW have 12 Strength Points, and the submarines have a Defense Strength Point total of 10; the Differential is +2. The die roll is 4 ("d1"). One submarine fleet is eliminated, but, since there is no Depletion against submarines, the ASW units are unaffected. The remaining 4 SS are within 5 hexes of three Merchant Ship Holding Areas, and the German Player decides to attack them in turn. First they attack the 3 on 2617. The 1 ASW on 3118 has a range of 5 hexes; a 5-hex path can be traced through the coastal hex of neutral Portugal to 2617. There are four German Strength Points to two for the CW, for a Differential of +2. A die roll of 5 adjusted to 4 because of the range to nearest Friendly Port) indicates 1 MS is sunk. Even though the ASW Attack Strength is less than the submarines' Defense Strength, the ASW can Counter-Attack on the +0 column. A roll of 3 shows no effect. Next, the 4 SS attack the Merchant Ship Holding Area on 2612. With the Surf-A Defense of 2, the Differential is again +2. The die roll is 1, adjusted to 0 (a "roll" of less than 1 means no effect). The Surf-A Counter-Attacks, using the +0 column, as did the ASW in the first attack. A roll of 6 eliminates one submarine fleet, but does not Deplete the Surf-A. The last attack, against 3014, is impossible since the two unused ASW on 3218 plus the Surf-B have a Defense of 6. *#3 [1944] Naval* *Japanese units:* 1 ASW on E2611; 2 Surf-A, 2 Surf-B, 1 Surf-A (Depleted) on 2413. *US units:* 5 Surf-A, 2 Surf-B on 2414. The Japanese attack with 20 Strength Points; US defends with 14. The differential is +6. A die roll of 5 ("2") means the US will lose two fleets (the two Surf-B fleets are removed immediately). Now 20 US Strength Points Counter-Attack 12 Japanese Strength Points (the ASW and Depleted Surf-A are counted in). The Differential is +8. The Japanese Player does not have the option to retreat before combat. The die roll is 6 ("3"). The Japanese Player decides to deplete the ASW and lose two Surf-B units. He cannot take a loss by depleting either of the unDepleted Surf-A units. *#4 [Any year] Naval* *Japanese units:* 1 Surf-A, 1 Surf-B, 2 SS on 1724. *US units:* 1 Surf-A, 1 Surf-B, 1 SS on 1824 The US attacks with a total of nine Strength Points. Submarines cannot be attacked; so the Japanese Defense Strength is 4. The Differential is +5. The die roll is 2 ("1"). The Japanese Player removes the Surf-B unit. If the Japanese Counter-Attack, the US submarine strength is added on. The Strengths are 4 (Japanese) to 6 (US) for a Differential of -2. Since the Japanese submarines were not attacked, they cannot Counter-Attack. If the Japanese Counter-Attack, they would have to use the +0 column, and that would meat automatic Depletion of the Surf-A. *#5 [1944] Air* *German units:* 5 AD on 3020. *CW units:* 3 LRB on 3020. *US UNIT:* 1 LRB on 3020. First Table 22.21 is used. The AD Strength (20) minus the LRB Defense Strength (16) equals +4. Under the +4 column a die roll of 4 gives "1/A." One AD Strength Points is eliminated, and 1 LRB returns immediately to base. Now Table 22.22 is used. The surviving LRB Strength is +6. A die roll of 3 means that the Industrial Center on 3020 will produce 8 Production Points less than normal for that Game-Turn. *#6 [1944]* *German units:* 3 Inf, 2 Fortification Strength Points on 2919. *CW units:* 10 Amph, 10 Inf on 2919. The CW units must attack the Germans on 2919. The Differential is +5. The die roll is 4 ("3"). Both fortification Strength Points must be eliminated first, then one infantry Strength Point. The remaining two Strength Points are retreated one hex, allowing the invading units to remain on the coastal hex.