Subject: Blitzkrieg Errata From: (WENDELL MARTIN) BLITZKRIEG (Avalon Hill, 1975) ERRATA Avalon Hill reply to 10/89 letter: Q: The overall impression given by rule section 28 is that ground unit replacements can never exceed air unit replacements; if two of your three aircraft cities are bombed in a given turn, you may only produce one air and one ground unit. Is this correct? A: No, we suggest that you allow 3 ground replacements and 3 air replacements, so bombing the air replacements affects only air replacements. Q: If this is the case, how can replacements be accumulated for later use (28.1)? A: Replacements cannot be accumulated. 28.1 is simply wrong. Q: Can captured enemy cities be used by the capturing player? A: No, only the neutral cities can be used by either side. Q: Can non-paratroop units that are being air transported be intercepted (32.33)? I ask because there is no mention of them being intercepted and nullifying an AV like paratroop interception does (32.74). A: Yes. The same rule applies to them, however - i.e. 32.74 applies to air transport as well. Q: It is stated in 32.74 that attacking units that moved through a (nullified) AV must retrace their steps as in 23.5. 23.5 has to do with beach supply. What rule reference was intended? A: A rule that was deleted. The units are supposed to pile up as close as possible behind the nullified AV, not in enemy ZOC and not attacking. Q: Also, nowhere in rule section 32.3 is it stated that air transport supply can be intercepted. Is it immune? A: Yes. Q: Do unescorted bombers also return fire at 1/2 strength (32.4)? A: No - only if escorted.