From: Simon Tett Subject: ERATA: Balkan Front Well nobody objected so here is the Errata I downloaded from the late and lamented GRD site last september for Balkan Front. FWTB and AWW to follow. ============================================================ Balkan Front Errata Sheet December, 1990 Counters: The British "W" brigade is artillery, not infantry. The German 395 OFK divisional unit should have its ID on the left, not right. The Greek F4F-3A and MB.151 air units are type F, not type B. The Italian 3-4-6 Inf XX labeled "59 Leg" should be "59 Cag." Maps: The city in 14A:1821 is Banja Luka, not Banka Luka. High mountain hexsides in the Alps are lighter brown than high mountain hexsides elsewhere. This has no significance in th Hexsides 14A:4110/4209, 4109/4209, and 4208/4209 are both mountain hexsides and fortified hexsides. Rules: Rule 24B. Extended Range. In the second paragraph, the first sentence should read: "Transports may fly extended range transport missions by c Rule 25D. Air Landing Units. An air landing unit may make an air drop if at least one of its transports is a glider. (That is, its entire transport need not be gliders.) Rule 26B2. Amphibious Landings. The parenthetical note in the second bullet should read: "(the marine and marine commando units)." Rule 27. Weather. I used an early version of the weather table when writing the example for a No Change result. It should be: "For example, if zone D had poor weather on Jan I 41 and its weather result for Jan II 41 is no change, then the weather for zone D on Jan II 41 is poor." Rule 28A. The Axis. The note at the end of the second paragraph should read: "Allied forces may operate in all other Axis territory." Rule 33D2. Assault on Crete Scenario, Special Rule. Axis initial temporary airfields remain in play even if no construction units are present in their hexes. Rule 33D3. Victory. The first sentence of the second bullet should read: "He eliminates at least 4 REs of British forces and does not lose more than 2 REs of airborne units." Charts: Terrain Effects Chart: The combat effects of a dot city should be "No AEC." In the clear weather section of the TEC, delete the phrase "(except artillery)" from the combat effects of a high mountain hexside. Air Combat Results Table: "Odds Ratio" should read "Attack Differential." Orders of Battle: German Position AA. (German 12th Army in the Balkan Campaign and Operation Marita OBs and the German forces in the Assault on Crete OB.) All German position AA is Luftwaffe, not Germany Army. German Intervention Reinforcements, Intervention+4. (Balkan Campaign, Axis Order of Battle.); also Axis Apr II 41 Reinforcements. (Operation Marita Scenario, German.) Although the instructions mention ground units, in each case there is actually only one unit to place. German Yugoslav Invasion Reinforcements, Intervention+0. (Balkan Campaign, Axis Order of Battle.) Although the instructions mention air units, there are no air units in these reinforcements. Italian Unit IDs. (Balkan Campaign, Axis Order of Battle.) Leghorn is not the English name of Legnano, as listed. (In case you're wondering, it's the English name for Livorno.) British Emergency Air. (Balkan Campaign and Operation Marita Scenario, Allied Conditional Reinforcements.) The British emergency air unit arrives as a reinforcement on the turn the Allied player uses the British Emergency NTPs. It is withdrawn from play on the next Allied initial phase. For example, if the Allied player decides to use the British Emergency NTPs on Apr II 41, the emergency air fighter arrives in the Allied initial phase of that turn and withdraws in the Allied initial phase of May I 41. Note: The vast majority of the aircraft for this unit were available for only a short time, and not indefinitely as the previous rule allowed. Assault on Crete Scenario, Allied Initial Forces. Delete the Blen 1 air unit from the scenario. (All Blenheim squadrons had withdrawn from Crete and dispersed to Egypt and Iraq by this time.) Delete the Mxd F air unit from this scenario. (The bulk of its aircraft had already withdrawn from Crete, as explained above, and the minuscule forces remaining do not warrant a counter.) Allied Reinforcements. (Plan Y Scenario, Allied Order of Battle, Yugoslav). The instructions should read: Use the Yugoslav mobilization forces for the Balkan Campaign as the Yugoslav reinforcements for this scenario." Balkan Front Q&A Q: Do you trace two rail supply lines - high-volume and low-volume (Rule 12B3)? A: No. You trace just one rail supply line. It can go over any number of high-volume rail hexes but only a maximum of seven low-volume rail hexes. By the way, the seven low-volume hexes need not be traced all together. For example, you could trace along four low-vol. hexes, then a high-vol. line, then three more low-vol. hexes. Q: Tracing a maximum of seven low-volume rail hexes means the Germans can't use the Greek-Bulgarian low-vol. line once they're deep in Greece it's just barely too long! A: Right. This is why the Germans pressured Yugoslavia to join the Axis in 1941. They needed the high-volume Yugoslav line running into Greece in order to supply their troops. Q: I have an engineer that starts to build a fort in a hex. It must stay in the hex while it is building the fort, but can it use its MPs to do other things in the hex, such as building a temporary airfield? (Rule 14A) A: No. An engineer cannot spend any MPs when building a fort or permanent airfield. It must abandon construction of the fort or permanent airfield first to do so. Q: Can you build a permanent airfield in a hex containing a temporary airfield? A: Yes. Rule 14A1 prohibits building a p-airfield in a hex already containing a p-airfield, but it does not prohibit this for a hex containing a t-airfield. Remove the t-airfield when the p-airfield in the hex is completed. Q: Can you build a temporary airfield in a hex containing a permanent airfield? A: No. Rule 14A1 prohibits building a t-airfield in a hex containing "any airfield." Q: In harassment bombing (Rule 20F2d), a unit moving by rail from a harassment hex spends an extra MP. This is a real MP, not just one hex of rail movement, right? A: Right. Q: Are naval transport points eliminated by bombing (Rule 20F2h) lost permanently or temporarily? A: Permanently eliminated is eliminated. If they were lost only temporarily, then the rules would have said so and told you how long they'd be lost and when they'd come back. Q: When the conditions are met for conditional reinforcements, do they arrive immediately, regardless of player turn and phase? A: The second sentence of the first paragraph of Rule 29A governs: "A player places his reinforcements on the map during his initial phase, as specified by his order of battle." [Actually, this question may be more appropriate for Scorched Earth than Balkan Front, since the Balkan Front orders of battle are very specific about when conditional reinforcements appear. As a Scorched Earth example of the above ruling, if a German unit first moves within seven hexes of Leningrad during the Axis movement phase, the three conditional Soviet NKVD rifle divisions would be placed as reinforcements in the next Soviet initial phase. RG] Q: There are airfield counters provided in the game with capacities greater than three. Are these to be used in Balkan Front? A: No, these are for eventual use in Grand Europa. Q: When tracing an overland supply line, shouldn't narrow straits hexsides count as one hex against the length of the supply line, as with major rivers? A: This was not included in Balkan Front for simplicity, but if you would like to add this as an additional penalty under Rule 32A3, you may do so. Q: Whenever the rules and charts refer to "cities," does this include the new point cities? Specifically, are point cities considered when calculating the die modifier for Albanian revolt? (Rule 28A1d) A: Yes, unless specifically stated otherwise, references to "cities" apply to all cities on the maps, including the new point cities. Q: The examples given in Rule 10C4 are for clear weather situations, right? A: Yes, and this should have been so notated in the rules. If the weather were poor, the die roll would not be modified due to AEC in either example. -- ============================================================ + Spinning in the wind at the UKMO + ============================================================ Reply address: (note change from to please amend your records) Tel : +[44]-1344-856886 Fax: +[44]-1344-854898