From: Subject: AQ errata Taking out AQ for some practice before Avaloncon, I find that one correction from OPERATIONS needs clarification. As the errata for ule 9.0 currently reads >>HQs entering (or re-entering) play may enter Activated (subject to all rules concerning Activation) << it is not entirely clear that "all rules" does NOT include the limit on numbers of HQs that can be activated (which is of course the point of the errata-to enable the US 2nd Army, for example, which can only be activated under the normal activation rules once, to get to the front for use in the Big Push without using its sole activation). So to clarify substitute the following for the current 9.0 Errata: HQs entering (or re-entering play may enter Activated (subject to all rules concerning Activation EXCEPT the limits on numbers of HQs that may be activated per nation per turn; rule 8.1 is ignored for the purposes of this rule, rule 8.2 is not). Furthermore, if they enter Activated they may immediately use Strategic Movement (this is an exception to 14.52 that HQs may Strat move during the HQ Phase only). (Remember, only Activated HQs may Strat Move, and those that do may not be used for Barrage or Command that turn.) Also add the following: Rule 15.0 (addition) The 4th sentence should read: A rail hex can only be used for rail movement if it can trace a path of contiguous friendly controlled rail hexes to a rail hex on a friendly map edge, or for the Allies, to the British/Belgian ultimate supply sources (Dunkirk, Calais, Boulogne). Ted Raicer