Steve Kosakowski - 10:20am Jan 12, 2002 PST (#665 of 668) "We'll get it back or choke their rivers with our dead!" AH SAMURAI 140 Black-on-Green Counters - (67x[provinces], 9x[castles], 4x[monasteries], 8x[ships], 3x[ninja], 3x[light archers], 3x[heavy archers], 4x[horse archers], 9x[samurai swords], 3x[samurai mixed], 10x[ronin], 6x[generals], 3x[armorers], 7x[other titles]). 22 Black-on-White - (16x[Forced March], 5x[ships], 1x[Shogun]). 21 White-on-Black - (3x[5], 4x[10], 7x[20], 4x[50], 2x[100], 1x[TURN]). 4 Black-on-Yellow - (Kyoto, Emperor, Heir, Regalia). Clans (identical mix except for the names and the one extra blank fuschia piece): 43 Fujiwara Yellow-on-Black; 43 Hojo Blue-on-White; 43 Taira White-on-Dark Green; 44 Minamoto Black-on-Fuschia (one blank). That should narrow it down for you. Once you figure out what you're missing, I can provide details (names, ratings, whatever) if necessary.