From: (Tom Hazlett) Subject: WARFROG: 'Way Out West' rule clarifications Hi I sent this in to the email address on the Warfrog website but it sems the mailbox does not exist anymore. So if anyone, Warfrog or WOW gamer, would like to add comment then go for it .. 1.) VPs for Control of a Town when 2 or more players have the same number of B&T and cattle. Share VPs or no VPs awarded ? We played no VPs awarded as we thought that the rules seemed explicit in that 'a' player must have a majority, so if 2 or more players have the same then there is no one with a majority (and I'm pretty sure they didn't politely share control of those towns back then either). 2.) Unprotected cattle (and B&T) counters get a default 1d6 protection, but what happens when you try to rustle two cattle and the owners have no cowboys in town - still 1d6 or 1d6 per cattle counter ? We played still just 1d6 as it seemed ludicrous that you could get two dice against you for attacking cattle and no cowboys. Assume that you would get 2d6 though if the Sheriff decided to help (unless the player owned the Jail and the cattle then back to 1d6 (?)). 3.) If for an attack on a B&T or cattle counter and the defending cowboys Retreat, does the gunfight end then and the counter is lost ? We played it that it is lost, and the clarification on the website about how the default cowboy is not used when your Sheriff is present seems to indicate this is correct - that is the default cowboy only occurs when there are no cowboys in town when the gunfight is declared, and not anytime during it. 4.a) If for an attack on a Bank or Train counter or for when a Sheriff has joined the defenders (for any counter) and the defending cowboys Retreat AFTER the gunfight has started, does the gunfight continue until the intrinsic defenders (Sheriff included) are either killed or win ? Seemed very obvious so we played it this way. 4.b) If for an attack on a Bank or Train counter and the defending cowboys Retreat WITHOUT fighting, then does the gunfight end then and the counter(s) are lost i.e can't use the intrinsic defender ? We thought it should play this way. 4.c) If for an attack on a Bank or Train counter and the Sheriff has joined the defenders and then the defending cowboys Retreat WITHOUT fighting, does the gunfight continue with the intrinsic defenders and the Sheriff or just the Sheriff defending? We thought that only the Sheriff should be able to defend in this case. I have just seen a clarification on the website: "A player must always use all of the cowboys, including sheriff and any other bonus cowboys. A player cannot choose to use less cowboys to gain the right to fire first." You could use this rule to answer some of the questions in that you must use ALL the cowboys (including bonus, and Sheriff if he is yours?) when you Retreat. More discussion leeway anyway. cheers Tom