Joseph Miranda - 05:09pm Dec 31, 2001 PST (#4066 of 4071) War of 1812 Q and A 1) If two forces (enemy) are in a space, can they both forage? i.e., can a space support twice its value, or is it 1/2, as per the mobilization rules? A: No. 2) Can a land leader influence a naval op roll? A: No. See 25.1. 3) Can you combine forage with supply, say 6 units in a town, four forage and two eat the supply? A: Yes. This is implied by 21.1.3, but see the clarification below. 21.1.3 (clarification) Enemy forces in the same area do not count against each other's forage capacity. A player can combine forage with supply, expending supply points only for units which can not forage.