Jim Dauphinais - May 21, 2007 1:05 am (#3636 Total: 3680) Currently playing ASL, Downtown, EotS, GWAS:Mediterranean, The Napoleonic Wars, Twilight Struggle and Wellington face-to-face in St. Louis and/or via ACTS. Also, developing GMT's Glory III: The Battles of Antietam and Cedar Creek Jeff, Be aware of the following errata for the 2ed of Saratoga: 1.3 (Correction) Change text to read: "The British player sets up his 'at start' units in their starting locations as if they were reinforcements. The remaining British units are setup on the Game Turn Track according to their turn of entry." [Original Saratoga Rulebook, Section 3.2] ------------------------ So, the at start British units are stacked up in big piles just like they were reinforcements for Turn 1.