
                        Alan R. Arvold


The following rule clarifications, errata, and optional rules are

for the game LIFTOFF which was published by Task Force Games.

Although the game is out of print, it can still be found in some

hobby stores. Although TFG has not bothered to release any errata

or rule clarificaations for the game, the rule clarifications and

errata presented here should still be considered to be



                    RULE CLARIFICATIONS


Budget Order: The budget order is determined during the "Collect

Budget" step of the turn and stays in effect for the duration of

the game turn regardless of changes in individual budgets brought

on by event cards, successful missions, and mission failures.


Event Cards: Both the event and the budget table sections of an

Event Card effect the amount of money you will collect in the

"Collect Budget" step of the next turn. However there are a few

Event Cards that effect your cash on hand during the Event Card

step in which they are drawn.


Astronaut Saving Rolls: If using the Advanced Failure Charts when

resolving a mission step failure, a player may make an Astronaut

Saving Roll before checking the Advanced Failure Chart. Player

must still check the Simple Failure Chart to see if a saving roll

can be made for the failed mission event in question.


Modifying Safety Factors: The safety factor of each program used

on a mission is improved regardless of whether the mission was a

success or a failure. The only exception is when a mission is a

catastrophic failure where only the program that caused the

catastrophe is penalized, all other programs in the mission still



Budget Effects from Mission Results:

1. If a mission is a failure because of a failed mission step,

the player only recieves a failed mission penalty to his budget,

even if all other steps were successfully completed. However only

the largest applicable penalty is assessed. (Examples: 1. An

orbital manned mission fails the Orbital Activities Step causing

the mission to be scrubbed, a penalty of -10 is applied to the

budget. 2. An orbital manned mission fails a Space Walk in an

otherwise perfect mission, a penalty of -2 is applied to the


2. A player may earn multiple successive mission bonuses no

matter how many times the mission was performed. (Example: A

player who completes his fifth manned orbital mission with a one

man capsule and the mission included his second space walk and

his second docking attempt would earn a total mission budget

bonus of +6. This includes +2 for a manned space mission, +2 for

a manned orbital mission, +1 for a space walk, and +1 for manned


3. When a player launches unmanned missions for the purpose of

raising the safety factors of the programs used in the mission,

he may only earn a mission budget bonus of +2 for subsequent

orbital missions regardless of the programs used in the mission.

4. While a declared mission that is scrubbed before it is

launched is a failure in terms of budget penalties, the player

still retains all equipment that was to be used in the mission.

5. The Second and Third Nation Bonuses may not be used in a two

player game. The Third Nation bonus may not be used in a three

player game.


Semi-Annual Turns:

1. A calender year in the game now comprises two game turns. In

the first game turn of the year steps 1 thru 10 are performed, in

the second game turn of the year steps 2 thru 10 are performed.

The budget order established in Step 1 of the first game turn of

the year remains in effect in both game turns of the year.

2. Event Cards which have an event which last the whole year,

only last six months when playing with semi-annual turns.

3. Interplanetary satellite fly-by missions which are launched on

certain turn have their last two steps resolved on the following

turn. The launch order from the turn they were launched is used

to determine the order in which multiple interplanetary missions

are resolved on the next turn.

4. Launch declaration markers numbered 1, 2, and 3 are used for

launches in the first turn of the year and launch declaration

markers numbered 4, 5, and 6 are used for launches in the second

turn of the year.




Rule Book: Page 5, First Example - Reggie pays 60 MB's for the

two-stage rocket program and buy additional two-stage rockets at

a cost of 12 MB's per unit.


Research and Development Worksheet: Docking Module Program has a

Max Safety Factor of 98%. EVA Suit Program has an initial cost of

15 MB's.


                         OPTIONAL RULES


Improving Lunar Module Safety Factors: The normal rules state

that lunar modules may only be used on lunar landing missions.

This does not coincide with history as the United States tested

its lunar module in space missions prior to the lunar landing

mission. It also does not allow a player to improve his lunar

module's safety factor to the max prior to an actual landing. The

following rules are design to accommodate players who want to

improve their lunar module's safety factor.

1. Lunar modules may be taken along on earth orbital and lunar

orbital missions.

2. In order to actually improve the lunar module use the

following procedure: During the orbital activities step of a

mission a docking maneuver must be done between the capsule and

the module. Upon successful completion of this the player rolls

for the orbital activities step for the module alone. After

successful completion of this another docking maneuver must be

done. After successful completion of this the lunar module can be


3. Any failed safety rolls use the appropriate section of the

failure charts. Remember that if the module goes into a reentry

mode, it is automatically destroyed with all on board astronauts

being killed and the mission is a catastrophic failure.


Scrubbing Missions: A player who suffers a catastrophic failure

on a manned mission and has declared manned missions following

the catastrophic one may use the following options on his manned


1. He may scrub the missions in order to save the equipment he

has already bought for these missions. However he will have to

take a budget penalty of -10 for each mission scrubbed.

2. He may launch the missions unmanned in order to improve the

safety factors of the equipment used in the mission. The budget

is still penalized but only for missions steps which required an

astronaut to be on the mission (i.e. space walks, manned

docking). Only the largest budget penalty will be applied to the


3. He may use any combination of the above two options.