Bob Titran - 12:01pm Dec 12, 2002 PST (#53 of 56) Buffalo, NY Roberto, I've assembled and read through Innocence Lost and I have a few questions, if you don't mind - 1. As I understand it, an initiative check is always made by rolling d10 + initiative rating over 10, while an efficiency check is made by rolling d10 + efficiency over 8. Is this correct? 2. Per 6.2 a unit that rallies returns "perfectly fit for combat." I assume this does not mean that a reduced unit recovers to full strength, is this correct? 3. Ewell goes from 6-4-4 to 2-5-4 when reduced, is his efficiency really increased from 4 to 5 when reduced or is this an error? 4. I have two Bartow counters, both 4-3-4 with no "R" for reduced - I think one should have have and "R" and lower combat & effectiveness values, correct? If so, what should his reduced values be? 5. Bee is 5-3-4 both at full strength and reduced, this looks like another typo. If so, what should his reduced values be? 6. Finally, it looks like I have a somewhat different order marker problem than Richard does. I have 2 counters for each CSA unit, but only 8 for the entire Union army (2 each for Miles, Tyler, Heintzelman and Hunter). It looks like I'm missing 2 for each Union brigade. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Roberto Chiavini - 01:08pm Dec 14, 2002 PST (#54 of 56) Bob, Sorry if I answer your questions only now but I'm terribly busy with work (I have a store and it's Christmas shopping craze here in Firenze, and it will be worse in the next ten days or so...). Anyway, Here are a fe w quick answers, hoping to clarify most of your questions: 1) Yes 2) Yes, the interpretation is correct (a reduced unit remains reduced) 3) It is indeed an error: correct as 3-4-4 (even strenght must be corrected) 4) 2-3-4 5) 3-3-4 6) No, your countersheet is correct: Union cannot activate the single brigades, with the exception of Richardson (yes, the marker for him is missing, sorry); only the Confederate player may use single brigade activation, while Union must remain with army and divisional commanders. For all the people interested, I hope to be able to produce replacement counters with the correction early next year (about mid-January, I think). At the moment I'm too busy with work to mend these admittedly annoying mistakes. I hope you understand. Merry Xmas to all the wargamers visiting this folder Roberto Chiavini