From: Richard Heli To: Subject: Days of Decision I errata Here is some errata info that I recently found: >From Thu Nov 29 16:46:31 1990 From: Andrew Hung Subject: DoD/WiF q&a Here's the wording on Allied 26: Prereq: Allied 24 and 1939+ Headline: New Industrial Policy heavily favours Military: Dramatic aircraft output US Entry: 1936 -2** 1937 -4* 1938 -1* 1939+ -5 Effect: CW production multiple increases from 2 to 3. The Indian Factory commences production. Now I think that is correct except the "and" should be change to "or" as Allan suggested. However, the Map sheet has the following concerning Other CW RES. & FACT.(lower right hand corner) South African Resources (1937) Indian Resources (1938) & Factory (Option 26) Malayan Resources (1939) Australian Resources (1940) The provision for playing Allied 24( a prereq for opt. 26) is Axis 24 or 1938+... --andrew >From exodus!tanelorn.Eng.Sun.COM!allan Tue Mar 26 23:45:36 PST 1991 Article 5483 of Path: exodus!tanelorn.Eng.Sun.COM!allan >From: allan@tanelorn.Eng.Sun.COM (Allan McKillop) Newsgroups: Subject: DoD errata Message-ID: <10519@exodus.Eng.Sun.COM> Date: 26 Mar 91 23:37:51 GMT Our local group of DoD/WiF players sent in some questions to the Australian Design Group about 2 months ago with some DoD questions. In addition to answering our questions, they sent us errata for DoD (dated 10/1/1990). There was also a blurb promising the 5th edition rules in July 1991. The new rules seem to be quite a change (coups, minor country army movement and DoD combat have been substantially changed). Here they are (please forgive any typos): DAYS OF DECISION ERRATA DATE: 1 OCT 1990 Well this is a first even for ADG, 2 errata for the price of one: Victory Point Charts & Political Map: Germany commence the game with 76 At Start Build Points and her General War Target is 545 build points. The CW commences the game with 260 At Start Build Points and her General War target is 485 build points. Political Map: Iraq should have 2 resources and Persia only 1. 3.0 A Chinese control marker is placed on the Occupied China 4 resource box to show that China controls Occupied China. 6.1 If playing a secondary (complementary or alternative) option, the effect on Minor Countries and US Entry is that of the bracketed number only (if it exists, if not, use the unbracketed no.). Major Power Surrenders: If two Major Powers surrender to the other in the same turn, then both play their options but only the side with the initiative actually surrenders to its opponent. 8.0 Coup cells are placed or attempted in the Production phase after all other production is complete. 8.0 A Major Power may place a coup cell and attempt coups against any minor country that is located on the same map (European or Pacific) as the home nation territory of the Major Power attempting the coup. Thus coup cells from more than one Major Power may be placed in the same minor country. However, a Major Power attempting a coup must be that Major Power that placed the coup cell in this minor country. If successful, the Major Power attempting the coup would become the controlling Major Power. Example: German and Italy could place Axis coup cells in Czechoslovakia but Japan may not. If Italy successfully couped Czechoslovakia, then Czechoslovakia would become an Italian controlled minor country (after Italy has declared her an ally - see DOD 19.1). Note also that as the CW, Russia and the USA have home nation territory on both maps, they may place coup cells (and attempt coups) against minor countries on both maps. 11.4 The combat rules are modified as follows: The player inflicting casualties does not suffer one-half that number of losses them- selves (or one-quarter if the victor). Instead, a player always suffers 10% casualties (round fractions up) themselves (based on the size of the force that is committed) unless an asterisk (*) result is obtained. This is the sole benefit of the asterisk. The victor of the battle is the side that causes 2 or more casualties on their opponents than that suffered themselves. This change makes a small commitment (say 5 army points) worthwhile especially if the opponent commits 50 army points as that player will automatically lose 5 army points (10% or 50) in addition to any losses that the small force may commit (unless the larger force gets an '*' result). As the maximum loss of the smaller force is 5 (the force committed) the smaller force must at least draw in this situation. 11.5 5th para: No more that one-half of the total number of Russian Army points may be committed against Japan. 13.0 Currently established Coup Cells in minor countries are included in each player's victory points. First, both sides cancel out each other's coup cells in the same minor country. Then, for each remain- ing coup cell in a minot country that is neutral or influenced, add 10% of the victory points (round fractions up) gained from that minor country as if it were controlled by this player. 14.0 The acronym for World in Flames is WIF. 15.0 The Campaign game ceases 6 years (36 turns) after the commencement of General War (exception - see DOD rule 22.0(2)). 16.0 2dn last para: The Scenario set-up rule reference is DOD 27.0. 18.2 Non-Aggression Pacts accepted - The 2:1 garrison superiority required to again declare war between Japan and China is reduced to 1:1 after the USA is in the General War. 19.3 The restriction on the movement of Norwegian and Swedish units no longer applies. Instead, all controlled minor countries are restricted as to which countries they may enter. Units in the bottom box of the controlled sections (adjacent to the pro-friendly box) may only move within their own countries and into all adjacent countries. Units in the next box closer to the "Camp" box can move into territories up to 2 countries away from their own country. Similarly countries in the box adjacent to the "Camp" box can move into territory up to 3 countries away from their own country while countries in the "Camp" box can move into territory up to 4 countries away from their own country. Minor Country units may also be used in territories over- seas but each sea area counts as one country for the purposes of this rule. A Major Power counts as all remaining countries for this rule (i.e. minor country units can enter the Major Power but cannot enter countries by moving through the Major Power). Example: Spaing is in the 2nd bottom box of the Axis Controlled section of the Political Track. After is has been declared an active Italian ally, its units could enter any country within 2 countries/sea areas of Spain. That is Portugal (1 country away); France (all); Ireland, Italy, Tunisia & the United Kingdom (2, including 1 sea area); & Morocco & Algeria (1 from Er Rif). Note that Switzerland may not be entered as even though it is 2 countries away, one of them is France which, as a Major Power, counts as all remaining countries. 22.0(1) 6th line: replace "in the following Jul/Aug game turn" with "6 years after the commencement of General War". 23.0 After General Way, for all DOD/WIF rules that are date dependent, treat the dates relative to the year of the declaration of General war. Example: 11.3 US Entry Modifications Chart. The 38-39 General War column becomes the column used for the year (to December) that General War has commenced. The '40 column would be used for the year following that which saw the commencement of the General war and so on. Example (another): DOD rule 27.4/5 has the CW 7 factor INF and Australian ARM being added to the force pool in Jan/Feb 1942. This would be changed to the Jan/Feb turn 3 years after the declar- ation of General War. So if General War commenced in 1940, these units could be added to the force pool in the Jan/Feb 1943 game turn. 23.0 WIF rule 9.3: The CW may hire the Norwegian transport by paying 2 build points at any time and getting control of the transport for the remainder of the year. If the CW wishes to have it for more than 1 year, she must pay another 2 build points to retain it. If it is destroyed, then the CW must immediately rebuild it (paying for its use while it is being re-built). It can be converted into a CONV but, when it is returned, it is flipped back into a TRS with a CW TRS being flipped into a CONV. 23.0 WIF Rule 11.3: Where the US Entry Modification Chart does not include an option that occurs after General War, then use the US Entry effect of the relevant option. Example: The US Entry effect of a declaration of war between Germany and the CW & France after General War is as per option 44 in the year of the declaration of war. 23.0 WIF rule 11.3: The usual WIF rules about US Entry modification effect only applying once includes the playing of options. Example: Allied Option 33 is played with France declaring war on Italy. Option 40 is subsequently played ceasing hostility between them. If France was to again declare war on Italy, France would not roll for US Entry Modif- ication (action 21); however if Italy was to declare war on France then Italy would have to roll (action 11). 23.0 WIF Rule 11.3: US Entry Modification action 7 (Japan forces closure of Burma Road) should be 5* if it occurs prior to General War. 23.0 WIF Rule 14.1: When France is conquered, her controlled minor countries revert to CW control. When Russia is conquered or all CW home nations are conquered, their controlled minors revert to USA control. When the USA is conquered, its controlled minors revert to CW control (if the CW still exists, otherwise Russia). When Italy or Japan is conquered, their controlled minors revert to German control. When Germany is conquered, its controlled minors revert to Italian control (if Italy still exists, otherwise Japan). 23.0 WIF Rule 17.0: Neither Russia nor Japan may compel a peace against each other prior to General War. The only way that Russia of Japan may surrender to each other prior to General War is by playing Option 42. 27.4 2 & 7: The INF units commencing the game in Lybia, Syria & Morocco/ Tunisia/Algeria may only leave these countries if the controlling Major Power (Italy or France) is currently at war with another Major Power. 27.4 4(c): The Chinese ARM is added to the force pool after China is first at war with an enemy Major Power. -- --Allan McKillop [ARPA] "Where there's a will, allan@sunaus.sun.oz [ACSNET] there's a relative!" ...!sun!tanelorn!allan [UUCP] Article 4325 of Path: exodus!imryrr.Eng.Sun.COM!elric >From: elric@imryrr.Eng.Sun.COM (Rick Heli) Newsgroups: Subject: Days of Decision/World in Flames question Message-ID: <5081@exodus.Eng.Sun.COM> Date: 31 Dec 90 21:57:11 GMT Sender: news@exodus.Eng.Sun.COM Lines: 26 Anyone have any advice on this one? When playing the DOD/WIF campaign game, if General War begins by Germany declaring war on the USSR without the Commonwealth and France being able to play option 44 (declaring war on Germany), what is the status of CW and France at the outbreak of General War? a) automatically at war against Germany b) are not at war with Germany, but may declare war on Germany at the start of any impulse. A US entry roll is made per the 1939+ column on Allied Option 44. c) are not at war with Germany and cannot declare war on Germany. Germany may declare war on CW and/or France at the start of any impulse. When this occurs, a US entry roll is made per the 1939+ column on Axis Option 44. My guess is that (b) is the best answer, but this is actually not specified in the rules as far as I could see. Note that (c) is not so bad as it sounds since CW & France could always declare war on Italy, pretty much forcing Germany to respond with a declaration of war.