Official Cards of War Q+A Please keep in mind that most of the questions were asked by a non English speaker who has a reputation for "rules lawyering". Because some of the answers are useful to the gaming public, they are posted below. Other questions have been omitted because of they were regarded as "harassment only" Q: are the 3 battles separate or combined ? A: The word each was left out in some versions of the rules. The sentence should read: "A deployed card is played face up on the table in one of three battle piles maintained for each player." Q: Itīs unclear how the different theaters (air, ground ...) are applied in a battle: do the different theaters of a battle lie separately or is any card played on top of the last battle card of one battle ? A: Theaters are only important for the recon ability. The word "only" has been omitted in the explanation of theatres in some versions of the rules. The sentence describing theatres should read: "The cards are also separated into 4 theatres by their background, which is only important for the Recon ability: Air, Sea, Ground and Intel. Note: the failure to grasp these two points led to many an interesting conjecture ... including the possibility of having up to 24 piles in play (there are only 52 cards in the deck) ! The following questions then followed: Q: I thought EACH PLAYER has its pile of cards for each battle sector. A: Obviously .... otherwise there is not much point killing a card played by your opponent into a battle pile. Q: there is no aid card to interprete all the data on the cards. A: All the data ? There may be 3 items across the bottom of the card and a background colour (theatre) which is explained in the opening paragraphs of the rules. Q: a convenient outlay for all the cards played isnīt given at all A: There are not that many piles of cards to keep track of (6 plus the normal draw and discard pile). To avoid confusion, perhaps players can use commonsense and sit facing each other with their battle #1 piles adjacent, their battle #2 piles adjacent and their battle #3 piles adjacent ? Q: reinforcment asterisk: do you play 2 cards in this instance ? A: To quote from the rules: "The REINFORCE ability is indicated by an asterix, allowing the player to immediately draw an extra card and then deploy any card from their hand, basically having two turns." You play the card, draw a card and then play a second card . Done properly this should win you that battle.