From: The Midnight Skulker Subject: Re: AoC (AH) Q&A Unfortunately, I do not know what issue of The General this is from. 1 2 | The Midnight Skulker 9 * 3 a.k.a. 6 Q: Where does Creforce HQ start, Canea or Suda? A: Canea, in either hex, at player's choice. "Suda" is a mistake. Q: Is the "Sea Movement and Combat" example of play correct? A" No. The Allied 2-2-3 unit in the example should be a 2-3-3. Q: Where does the HMS York counter set up? A: On the red dot in hex F-26 (not F-25). Q: If a German 9-9-4 parachute battalion is defending, suppose the Allied player obtains an "EX" result against it and chooses to remove only one attack strength point. Must the German battalion break-down and eliminate the one strength point HQ unit? A: No. The German player has the ->option<- of breaking down the battalion; he is not required to do so. In this case, the German player does not break down the battalion and consequently loses nothing. Q: Suppose two German 2-2-4's attack an Allied 2-2-2 and a coastal artillery unit in the same hex at 2-1 odds and roll an "EX". If the German player removes one 2-2-4, the Allied player must remove the 2-2-2. What happens if the German player removes ->both<- 2-2-4's? A: Since all of the defending units are totalled into one combined defense strength, the Allied player removes ->both<- units (2+0=2) if the German player removes one 2-2-4. If he removes two 2-2-2's [sic; I think they meant 2-2-4's], he is simply wasting a unit. Q: Is bomber strength halved if the only AA unit in range is being bombarded by other air units? A: Yes. The effects of AA units are determined at the moment the air units attempt to execute aircraft missions. If the AA unit is neutralized before the bomber units execute their bombardment or air support missions, they are not halved. If the AA unit is still functional at the moment the bombardment attack is resolved, the bombers are halved. This would hold true even if the target for the bombardment mission was the AA unit. Q: If there are five stacking points of German infantry occupying Maleme Airfield at the beginning of the German player segment, how many air landing units may land at that airfield during the air landing segment? A: Only one stacking point may land that turn. Airborne, air landing, and sea movement unit[s] may not overstack on their initial placement on the mapboard. Note that this is an exception to the stacking which apply only at the end of the movement and combat phases. Airborne units that drift and overstack are not eliminated until the end of the movement phase. Q: May 42 Coy RE execute demolition procedures while loaded in the truck unit? A: No.