From: To: To Whom it May Concern, I was rooting through some of my old wargaming stuff, and came across some of the feedback cards from the old Wargamer, the period when they had the irritating habit of putting important bits for their games on the feedback cards. As I didn;t find these bits already listed on WebGrognards (great site!), I submit them to you. "LUTZEN CHARTS AND TABLES - Errata 1. Fire COmbat Results Table Alter asterisked footnote at the bottom of list of Modifications )refers to modifiers d. and e.) to: 'For an artillery target, count barrage fire strength; for a cavalry target, count melee strength.' 2. Melee Combat Results Table (a) Heading: reference should be to Rule 14.4. not 14.6 (b) First line of table: change the word 'River' to 'Stream'. 3. Allied Chain of Command 'Blucher' should be spelled Blücher (with umlaut). 4. French Chain of Command Under Mortier: Garde Imperiale, first line: The abbreviation for Grenadiers of the Garde should read 'GREN.GD', not 'GRN.GD'"