From: Dan Knaus Subject: THE IRONCLADS errata This was included in my Yaquinto version of THE IRONCLADS. I've heard the re-release is a faithful copy, down to the errata, so here it is. Dan The IRONCLADS (YAQUINTO) ERRATA Page 7. Omit the word BOW next to the example counter. Page 8. VII,B,3: Example should read Example: T.C. 2/3 1/2 F.S. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 R.S. 1 2 3 E.C. +2 -2 Page 11. 1X,F,3: "on teh" should read "on the". Page 20. "each square of elite crew" should read "each factor of elite crew". Scenario 1. USS Minnesota is grounded on mapboard 11 in hex 1530 not hex 1350. Hex 3401 should read hex 3501. Scenario 2. Line 13 from hex 4124-3924 should read hex 4024-3924. Set Up: Hexes 4133-4135 should read 4033-4035. Scenario 3. Mapboard 1; Line 2 hex 2703-4208 should read hex 2703-4008. Hexes 3003-4208 should read hexes 3003-4008. Mapboard 2; Hex 1123-3324 should read hex 1224-3324 Victory Conditions; Hexes 2037-1437 should read hexes 3420-3919. Scenario 5. Mapboard 111; Hexes 1437-1423 WSS should read 1436-1423 SW. Mapboard 1 Hex 4208 should read hex 4007. Victory conditions; Hexes 4107-4112 should read 4007-4012. Scenario 5B. Mapboard 1; Line 2 4107-2703 should read 4007-2703. Hexes 4111 should read 4110. Line 4 hexes 4113-1718 should read 4031-1718. Scenario 5C. "but can burn with 1MP" should read "but can turn with 1MP". Line 2 2703-4208 should read 2703-4007. Hex 4209 should read 4007. Victory conditions; Hexes 4209-4214 should read 4007-4013. Scenario 5D. Hexes 3519 should read 3519-3919. Hexes 1324-1437 should read 1324-1436. Scenario 6. Line 2 4107-2703 should read 4007-2703. Hex row 4107-4113 should read 4007-4013. Scenario 7. 3. High Cliff Battery Gun No. 2 "28pdr rifle" should read "128pdr rifle". Line 2 4208-2703 should read 4007-2703. Hexes 3003-4108 should read 3003-4008. "between 4107-4112" should read 4007-4012. Scenario 8. All current speed is 1MP. Mapboard 111. Under current direction and speed add hexes 1323-1336 NE 1MP. Mapboard 11. Line 13 3324-1124 should read 3324-1224. Shoal line 3628-4132 should read 3628-4035. Line 17 4135-3436 shoud read 4035-3436. Optional scenario; "or 4132-4135" should read "or 4033-4035". Union Victory conditions should read "exiting the mapboard with less than 50% hull or floatation damage". Scenario 9. Mapboard 11. Line 17 4138-1734 should read 4035-1734. All current speed is 1MP. Scenario 9B. "torpedo laundh" should read "torpedo launch". Scenario 11. Confederate Setup; "The Pil obstructions" should read "the Pile-15 obstructions". "maximumize" should read "maximize". Union Setup; Starboard column enters between hexes 1203-1206 not 1102-1105. The Port column enters between hexes 1209-1213 not 1109-1113. Confederate Marginal Victory; Hexes 4132-4135 should read 4033-4035. Scenario 11B. Setup; Fort Powell is located in hex 3708 not hex 2708. "Pile sp" should read "Pile-10". Hexes 1009-1013 should read 1209-1213. Scenario 12. Map Arrangement: N = N - should be N = N - Mapboard 1; Line 2, 2703-4107 should read 2703-4007. Current direction 3003-4108 N 1MP should read 3003-4008 N 2MP. Hex 4108 should read hex 4008. Scenario 13. Mapboard 1V; 3801-1313 SE 2MP should read 3701- 1313 SE 2MP. Mapboard 11; Shoreline add all of line 13. 3036-4130 NW should read 3036-4030 NW 2MP. Union setup; Hexes 3401-4001 should read 3402-4002. Victory conditions; Hexes 4135-4124 should read 4035-4024. Scenario 14. Mapboard 11; Line 13 3924-4124 should read 3924-4024. Line 17 4135-3436 should read 4035-3436. Mapboard 1 Line 2, 4107-2703 should read 4007-2703; Hex 4110-2703 S 1MP should read 4010-2703 S 1MP. Shorelines on mapboard 1 include line 4, line 2 and line 3; active shoals C, G. Mapboard 1V; Hex 1504-1106 should read 1504-1206. Confederate Setup; "or 4125-4135" should read "or 4025-4035". Scenario 15. Mapboard 1; Line 2, 4107-2703 should read 4007-2703. Hex 4110-2804 S 1MP should read 4010-2804 S 1MP. Mapboard 1V; 1504-1106 SE 1MP should read 1504-1207 SE 1MP. Victory Conditions; "When this reduced to the hex" should read "When this is reduced to zero the hex". Page 34; Gun 16; 15" dahlgren SB. PF 10/8 should read PF 20/12. On the Vessel Data Cards the dots in front of the Cumulative Damage Hull values are to be ignored. 10" Columbiad SB R 1 2 3 4 5-6 7-9 10-11 12 13-15 16-18 ROF 1/1 DR 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 PF 7/5 3X 2X 1X GS 3 2 1 8" Brooke SB R 1 2 3 4 5-6 7-8 9-10 11 12 13 14-16 ROF 1/1 DR 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 PF 10/8 3X 2X 1X GS 4 3 2 11" Brooke SB R 1 2 3 4 5 6-7 8-9 10-11 12 13 14-16 17-19 ROF 1/2 DR 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 PF 15/12 3X 2X 1X GS 5 4 2 8" Columbiad SB R 1 2 3 4 5-6 7-9 10-11 12 13 14-16 ROF 1/1 DR 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 PF 5/3 3X 2X 1X GS 3 2 1